uploaded.net - PPD (30 EUR) & PPS (60% inital sale /50% rebill)

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i started using new filehost about a month ago and work really hard to commy all my unique stuff there to new topics and new www. After that time with still using ul.to i have about 400-600 downloads daily on ul.to and between 6-9 000 daily on the new one!
But! The new one count's all downloads like ulto some time ago (1 download from 1 IP every 24h).
The worst thing is that new filehost not provide wire transfers............ for me it's terrible

and... on ul and new site i upload THE SAME files. I'm not making mirrors so test and opinion is free of such things.
ACTA started bad changes.... also changing ownership of ul... it's not the same ul like 1.5 year ago! When daily it was easy to earn minimum 100 euro (when initial sale give's only 3 euro:) )

400-600 dls and the other one 6k -9k !!!!!!!!!! :facepalm:

then how much u earn from that new filehost ? "how many sales/week"
Wait, Uploaded.net didn't have their own merchant account? Even some of the smaller hosts out there have it.
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Ul.to Till My stats are frozen. I have so many people repying to my threads saying thanking me for the download. But the count still shows 0 and earnings are also 0.

I sent you a PM pls reply
no . they have some weird rule and thats the reason u wont get much rebill sunless u have ur own site. And thats why they have such high rates to attract uploaders. these r good marketing skills where u give lucrative offer with a small star which denotes some hidden conditions. the conditions genrally people dont pay attention too :)
Stats are ok.The only problem is that the last Friday the status from request change to paid but till today i dont receive anything in my bank.Hope it is due to non working days[Saturday till yesterday) in my country.
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