uploaded.net - PPD (30 EUR) & PPS (60% inital sale /50% rebill)

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I upload with 500 kb/s :P

realy now way to work with ul at the moment... :facepalm: i bet tomorrow is slow too.
Monday it will be a bit better and evening the same shi* again. Ul you need more server :D
damn Fix uploading speed is uploading with 300KB what's this damn

upload speed 88 kB/ s?
pls fix

I upload with 500 kb/s :P

realy now way to work with ul at the moment... :facepalm: i bet tomorrow is slow too.
Monday it will be a bit better and evening the same shi* again. Ul you need more server :D

Not a great upload speed around 1 MB. Average is over 40 MB Ps

Agree, lately the upload speeds are bad, even premium download speed. It stinks cause I've made the choice to use you as my only primary for storage because in the past the speeds were crazy fast.
hope the server speed is fixed soon. im selling premium but when users see that dl speed barely makes it over 2MB/s there will be lots of chargeback and refunds ! thats certainly not good for you uploaded
on the weekend ul.to speed is slow both for download or upload. Happened previous weekend as well. It should be normal again on Week days
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