Why don't you show us a screenshot from your Jan stats.
hahahahaha some one edited my last post , i'm using the same user and password on ul.to and wjunction
some one request payout from my account
any help here ?
For what ? I'm not going to prove anything to lazy people.
hahahahaha some one edited my last post , i'm using the same user and password on ul.to and wjunction
some one request payout from my account
any help here ?
please admin
look to my account
am waiting more than 21 days..........!
Stats Are Frozen Since 3days. :facepalm:
How many sales per 1000 do you get on uploaded?
+1ciao all
is 2 days that have problems with the remote upload from 80 port
someone has the same problem?
thanks for the reply
@Till, please cancel my payouyt...Someone hacked my acc...Pls answer