uploaded.net - PPD (30 EUR) & PPS (60% inital sale /50% rebill)

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Hey guys, how long does UL store inactive files?

In their TOS it is 180 days (for free/premium users), but I've read that in reality they delete files without download after 30 days.
So anyone has personal experience with this? Thanks.
TOS is near correct (between 150-180), they only delete sooner if you got very big storage with many files without single download and of course when DMC reports occurs :facepalm:.
if you are a premium user they will keep the files up to 6 months after it last download, am sure of that, even if i don't like them much i use them because am sure my files will be there 4,5 and 6 months down the road where everybody else would have deleted them, but as a free user i don't know what they do.
Hey guys, how long does UL store inactive files?

In their TOS it is 180 days (for free/premium users), but I've read that in reality they delete files without download after 30 days.
So anyone has personal experience with this? Thanks.
TOS is near correct (between 150-180), they only delete sooner if you got very big storage with many files without single download and of course when DMC reports occurs :facepalm:.
I do have really big storage (>10TB), so does it means that I should worry about my files being deleted before 180 days?:wacko:
TOS is near correct (between 150-180), they only delete sooner if you got very big storage with many files without single download and of course when DMC reports occurs :facepalm:.
I do have really big storage (>10TB), so does it means that I should worry about my files being deleted before 180 days?:wacko:
Explained above, many files without single download...:smokin:
From the people that received money via bank transfer recently i want to know how much is the delay right now between "paid" status and the actual date when money is received in the bank account , because last time when i received money it was after 2 weeks since paid status , could you please let me know ? everybody has delay's between paid status and actual money or only some of the users ? until some time ago things was simpler , paid status -money received after 2 days top, but right now i don't know because i did not made a request until recently
From the people that received money via bank transfer recently i want to know how much is the delay right now between "paid" status and the actual date when money is received in the bank account , because last time when i received money it was after 2 weeks since paid status , could you please let me know ? everybody has delay's between paid status and actual money or only some of the users ? until some time ago things was simpler , paid status -money received after 2 days top, but right now i don't know because i did not made a request until recently

It really depends on your bank.
From the people that received money via bank transfer recently i want to know how much is the delay right now between "paid" status and the actual date when money is received in the bank account , because last time when i received money it was after 2 weeks since paid status , could you please let me know ? everybody has delay's between paid status and actual money or only some of the users ? until some time ago things was simpler , paid status -money received after 2 days top, but right now i don't know because i did not made a request until recently

It really depends on your bank.

if i will know for sure that problem is because my bank i will cancel by account and credit card on actual bank because is not normal in 2014 for a transaction to get more than 2-3 days to be completed , but this delay between paid status and actuall money tend to happen only on uploaded payments, that's why is strange, because for ex for oboom payments, same system , same country and maybe same admins , payment arrive in the normal 2 days each time
Hi, I have a question for you guys and I really appreciate some answers from multiple persons :).
I know that uploaded had a shitty policy with the rebills, something like if a users took more than 7 days to extend his account you will not be credited for a rebill; Is this condition still active? Is this website still having poor results on rebills?

I ask because I worked until know with a super honest filehost and at one time I started making more rebills than sells witch in long term is normal but I remember from my time working with uploaded that the ratio was awful and only a high person, at that time, could sustain they won't cheat on rebills...

So long story short they have the same policy or things changed here? (I considering using them again and that's why I ask)

Thank you in advance!
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