omg , they don't pay for links deleted ?
i mean they cut earnings of deleted links ?
People can't download from deleted links so we can't earn from them.
But uploadable still can earn from ad company when people click deleted links.
omg , they don't pay for links deleted ?
i mean they cut earnings of deleted links ?
Any way to prevent my files getting deleted so fast?
almost 200files got deleted per day
you still earn from people who click the dead link(Ad company pay you for someone view ads) but we got nothing.
Please help
you still earn from people who click the dead link(Ad company pay you for someone view ads) but we got nothing.
you still earn from people who click the dead link(Ad company pay you for someone view ads) but we got nothing.
On what planet do you live? Plz tell me a filehost which pays for clicking on a dead link or for clicking on a link without downloading the file afterwards. If u know one u should go there quick and i will follow u :cough:
I understand ur posting but again: which hoster does it? And if no other hoster does it why uploadable should do it?I mean if people click deleted link uploadable still get paid from ad company
And we get nothing.
okay then, my badI understand ur posting but again: which hoster does it? And if no other hoster does it why uploadable should do it?I mean if people click deleted link uploadable still get paid from ad company
And we get nothing.
MacG: We don't upgrade anymore.