Uploadable - Earn up to $40/1000 PPD & PPS 65% initial sale / 50% Rebill

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What can i do?
On the first page of this thread u can read this message of Jo:
__________________ Added after 14 minutes:
JO why cant u see my request i am asking for the upgrade in storage i wanna work again. my username is sahil00150
What u do is spamming. How often do you want to ask the same question again? Uploadable-Jo told dozens of times that only users which meet the criterias will get an upgrade. It is obviously that u dont match this criterias in Jo`s eyes and so he will not upgrade u or do you think he is blind and did not see ur dozens of messages? This is a message of Jo to another user like u:
If you are asking for an upgrade I will upgrade you if you meet our criteria, if you do not then your account will need to be upgraded yourself by redeeming a premium through earnings.
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hi jo, i think that stats has some minor isssues in earnings . from 26 i see a -30% average in earnings , also my work is constant . I tryed yesterday to upload +40% more and i earned -30% less than usual ( constant ) . Has no logical answer . A lots of downloads in manager (small files 300-400mb impossible to cancel downloads because i post unique content )
I found that upload web speed is not constant from last days - random time server ( sometimes working good , sometimes taking 1 hour for 500mb file ) . Maybe you can do an extracheck .
Also i checked files to see if some problems and i found a huge problem . Randomly when i try to download files as anonymous user its give me Error file not found - even file its on filemanager .
And you techs limited download speed to 100kb/s for anonymous user another bad move..

What stats has other people ...
Jo , after you read my first message here is that error .

File its on filemanager and when you try to download here its error
Maybe this cause my downloads go down , and low speed.
So instead giving promotion , better fix this problems , errors not found , upload speed unstable , download speed for anonymous user to 200kb/s.
What's your percentage of files counted in stats to no of DL in filemanager?
I've ckecked that links I've just posted got 25 DL but only 2 were counted in PPD;
I mean that's only 8% ...:facepalm:

What is more for 6hr the stats only moved for 6 DL...
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mikannko: Exactly what we see on other accounts. It's a "solid" trend.

coolro: Send me a PM with the file link. No users should see the 404.

Anonymous speed should be 200 or even more now. We did not limit it to 100. The lowest we've had it at is 150 Kb/s. Free users can enjoy up to*600 Kb/s at times, can't say the same for other filehosts, right? :)
I hope that jo will take in consideration what i told him (pm). Better remove that promotion and focus on fixing problems . Has no logical sense to work more and earn less . They think that everything its fixed but on real life things are different - like they fixed until sunday and from monday problems appeared again . We will see .

Also please support me if you have some "feelings" please tell your opinion here maybe they need to see more complains to make some extra checks
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airwalk: The 3.25 looks like a direct sale from the website, i.e. no link were passed through when they purchased. You can see that in the detail of it. I'll assume you're talking about the "25th".

nihttsuzaben: Not sure what you're asking for? A Premium status means you will have more storage and faster download speed.

eroCan: On?

vol7: Looks fine. In fact more earnings for users, we sell less, however, we don't blame the people who just have crappy stats

coolro: I've replied you on PM. Just an FYI to everyone, but coolro's stats has surprisingly been increasing since he started with us. We are not to blame for Your drop in PPD, some people maintain their statistics quite well. Please have a look at some others who post their statistics on here (without figures); the lines are quite stable.

The promotion is a choice of ours. You don't see any other hosters doing that.

Fatih Aslan: That does not exist any longer, main post has not been updated accordingly. I will get around to that sooner or later.
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