Uploadable - Earn up to $40/1000 PPD & PPS 65% initial sale / 50% Rebill

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Hello Uploadable-Jo
Can you upgrade my account to premium ? (username: audrey)

I try to upload file up to 4 GB but always failed, I've checked your post on page 1 but it does not work for me:
-Users Can upload up to 5GB of files (via FTP and remote), 2GB via webupload

I do not have an FTP account and I've tried through a web browser and remote upload but always failed.
[I only need UPLOADABLE-JO to fix the 2 GB filesize problem. If I try to get my own file, it's ok. But others don't able to get it.

it's not broken since it works as intended : they are able to get those 1+ GB files but sadly they still have to register for that even if they don't take premium,
so it's near pointless if you dunno the guys who want to DL the concerned files, they just pass on it ^^
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mikannko: What we say is what goes on. We are not dragging you feet and we did have issues - We always ask you (and others) to have some patience whilst we fix any issues presented.

moonbit: We actually should have fixed it for vcvix. He should be able to clear his cache and get the download going if it's 1GB and above. We encourage people to sign up by letting those who signed up download files above 1GB - It only takes 20 seconds to get files at 400 Kbps and above 1GB.
5cfa16ec10d2c: You're back again like a crack-fiend everytime we face some sort of issue. I will report your post as you have nothing to do in here. I've asked you not to post in here if you have no other input but the nonsense your blabber about. I won't say it again nicely to you.
Report me all you want. You can also ask me all you want to stop posting in here, but as far as I know, you don't own wj. I have every right to post here as I have an affiliate account with your company. You're the one that chose to publicly make a support thread for a site that doesn't run right. When you stop treating people like shit, & stop acting like it's your affiliates' fault that your site has problems, then maybe, just maybe you'll stop seeing my posts. Anyone reading the last few pages of this thread can clearly see that you & your company is the problem, not me pointing out your douchey attitude.
Hello I would like to work with you but was discouraged after receiving a message of "
Exceeded Upload Limit
" from FTP upload of a 2.6 GB file. Can you please upgrade my account?
User: anon80085
yesterday working fine ( ppd ) + 50% more downloads counted , same traffic , today total down.
Its not a good sign , if they stop counting downloads ( almost 40-50% of total dw ) . Example if you have average 300 dw , and yesteday was almost double 600-700down , and this with the same amount of traffic .
Yup Jo. I won't doubt you next time :^)

And yes, today ppd broken, but they returned missing stats for the last days. Only 01/12 missing.
For me 8,9 too. Well, Jo ID - chinpoppo, you can check by yoursalfe :p When i was mental about it, i still think i was semi-right about it. I miss ~200's dl's on this days. But not really care about this days. More important - see this problem fixed on 100%.

site is very slow and ftp not working. smell something wrong.
and weekend is coming so tech will not available again please be patient.
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