updown.bz - Official Support | PPD/PPS | Unlimited storage | Updated rates

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We are waiting for updates and please keep payout low maybe like 5 or 10 euro
so people will trust your host so much
we all wanna use your host
your rates are acceptable and good ,not scary or doesnt smells like scam.


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Hey guys,

we need one hour more for maintenance.
Service will be back online at 03:00 PM UTC+2

Best regards,

updown.bz - Support

Added after 3 Hours 1:

Some information about the updates we've done:

1. Your now able to see improved affiliate statistics.
These new statistics are running from now on. Your old earnings (till today) have been added to your account balance,
but are not showing up in the statistics. They will be merged to the new statistics system in the next days.
When you encounter bugs or graphical glitches at the new section please report it to our support center.

2. Under My Account -> Settings you can now choose your affiliate program.
Please check your settings if your preferred affiliate program is active, otherwise change it to the one you'd like to use.

3. A search option is available in the file manager. It is case-insensitive and also looks up the file extensions.
We plan to add some options for the search.
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Sorry, your login data is invalid. Please double check and try again.

anthing wrong i just regrister and cant login
I am uploader
Please expand the premium I Could
thank you very much

Days of payment?
What day exactly have to ask for payment?
I am uploader
Please expand the premium I Could
thank you very much

Days of payment?
What day exactly have to ask for payment?

Premium has been expanded.

You can always request a payment.
We collect all the payments and then pay once a week.
But mostly you receive your money 2-3 days after request.
Updown..I can't login with zoom..help me

We know about this problem. We've been in contact with their developers recently.
There was a bug that they have solved. The solution will be part of the next update from Zoom Uploader.

I'll let you know when it is working.
Premium has been expanded.

You can always request a payment.
We collect all the payments and then pay once a week.
But mostly you receive your money 2-3 days after request.
thank you very much :sun:
What about your website?
https://updown.bz (income in firefox and says: This connection is not verified)
If I enter updown.bz (Dice: The domain is for sale)
Please clarify .. it is missing or wrong?

We also noticed the same behavior from our office.
It looks like that there's problem with the DNS resolution. We are in contact with our DNS provider.
Sorry for that guys, we working on a solution.

UPDATE: Solved
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