UndergroundPrivate.com-cPanel,Offshore,DDos protectd,SSD,Private from 1.50$(RU|FR|NE)


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UndergroundPrivate - We are different than others

Tired of

  • Getting scammed by fake hosts that tell you they will provide you will excellent service and support?
  • All the times downtime?
  • Owners of hosts that interested only for you money
  • Slow and non quality services
  • You cant have free of speech on the Internet?
  • Hosts that close in a minute

You are looking for a trusted shared hosting? Bored with fake hosting providers? Bored the downtime and runaway? The support you must wait hours and hours? Well we are not like them, you came in the right place! We respect our clients and points to their security, our host is not overselling or having downtime like most others host have and telling lies. You can purchase one of our services and you will see everything is truth that we are writing.Underground Hosting works towards and spreading the free of speech in the Internet & offering its clients a first-class service for low prices. In our shared hosting you will have the freedom of speech and you will have services by a trusted and responsible host company.

Underground Private first appeared in 2012. It is one of the most trust web companies on the Internet. Every day our company grows up and we have numerous of faithful customers that trust us. We understand hosting technology and customer privacy better than anybody and that can be shown in services and our support and not only in words.

What makes us different? And why you to choose us?
Our first point is our customers privacy, support and satisfaction. With UndergroundPrivate hosting you have privacy & support & quality services 100%, you can choose us and see if it is all truth that we are writing, many companies just writing that they best and they not worth nothing.

Our servers and hardware?
Our servers are located in Russia. All Datacenters are built with high quality devices and have professional personnel for the maintenance and extension of their network.

What do we allow?
We allow everything you can imagine except child porn, malicious and virus programs, botnet contoller. Please look at our Terms Of Service rules

All web hosting plans include:

  • Latest cPanel version
  • SSD Hard Disk
  • CloudLinux
  • DDos Protection
  • DMCA ignored
  • 24x7 Support via ticket
  • 1Gbps Network
  • Unlimited Bandwidth
  • Instant Setup
  • Fast and reliable data storage
  • Free website migration

Shared Hosting Packages :

Personal - 3.50$ / month - Order: Click Here To Order
Business - 4.50$ / month - Order: Click Here To Order
Enterprise- 7.00$ / month - Order: Click Here To Order

There are also plans and Quarterly, Semi-Annually & Annually

Reseller Packages :

Economy - 8.00$ / month Order: Click Here To Order
Premium - 25$ / month Order: Click Here To Order
Ultimate - 33$ / month Order: Click Here To Order

There are also plans and Quarterly, Semi-Annually & Annually

Payment Methods We Accept
All invoices can be paid using: Paypal , BitCoin , Webmoney & Paysafecard, IBAN transfers.
Contact Us
You can also find us on skype under the name UndergroundPrivate , or contact us via email sales.undergroundprivate.com@clientlogin.sx or use the contact us form
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Dear clients & customers ,

We have notified that last days and like today some persons that register on our hosting provider abusing the shared servers with illegal files , we want to inform you that we won't tolerate any kind of this activity and please all read below what is not allowed. Note that we won't give any chances anymore to anyone who will abuse just like that the server and not care for the rest clients using it and make them issues , we have notified also for people abusing staff too through tickets / e-mails , this won't be tolerated too and remove from our services will be immediately done without any notification further. We need to protect us all from this kind of actions from persons.

You may not use UndergroundPrivate.com service for:

  • Child Porn.
  • Malicious and virus programs hosted in our servers.
  • Botnets and their controllers.
  • Attacks aimed at breaking, disrupting work of other servers or services, spoofing, packet spoofing, port scanning
  • Distribution or storage of any content forbidden on the territory of the location of server you have used.
  • Mining Cryptocurrency

do you have some discount 10% or 20% for reseller economy 20% i want to host 2 websites in russia ( with ssd )

Hello Coolro ,

Please use the support ticket system we have with multiple ways to contact us regarding your issues.

If you need to contact our web hosting company you can do it with one of the following ways :
On our Skype id undergroundprivate or email undergroundprivate.com@outlook.com or please use the ticket system via contact us on our official website.

Thank you ,

Thank you ,
Yours UndergroundPrivate.com
must say you are the best and there is no monitoring no where like yours.. once i make a ticket it replies in some minutes sometimes seconds ^_^ .. best offshore provider for me.. i now so months with them and no big issues.. dmca not problem anymore too..
Hello DejaVu ,

It is not slow some times but last 48 hours , please be careful what you write. We will do some important fixes on the network today and next 24 hours , all accounts that will get overloading / abuse / and not follow the staff orders will be terminated and then due frustration of this owner you can post fake posts.

From now and on all abuse account are going to be terminated without notification. We re-write it last time

You may not use UndergroundPrivate.com service for:

  • Child Porn.
  • Malicious and virus programs hosted in our servers.
  • Botnets and their controllers.
  • Attacks aimed at breaking, disrupting work of other servers or services, spoofing, packet spoofing, port scanning
  • Distribution or storage of any content forbidden on the territory of the location of server you have used.
  • Mining Cryptocurrency

Thank you ,
Yours UndergroundPrivate.com
i hope this thread will not be biased with the feedbacks here, either good or bad. if someone post bad feedback, just answer it. no need for deleting some bad feedbacks just to make this thread all positive feedback. just wondering so many feedbacks specially the bad ones are deleted :whistling:

also i already used UGP and when the site is down, im always to blame first, like sharing the ip to public which is i dont know :/ also when they fix the problem, you are now telling to write a good feedback here just like a bot...just notice some good feedbacks here, maybe theyre just told to write that after fixing their problem.... well...just my opinion.
Dear customers & clients ,

Last days there was a non normal attack on the UndergroundPrivate.com hosting provider and it's clients , there was a trap created by individual person(s) to make things look very bad for us , we successfully avoided all this situation and we are here , here with you all to provide you no.1 offshore hosting services on the market with the best privacy. We have noted after our supporters / clients notification and our team that there was minor hosting providers that was behind this attack and people that are working for other purposes , this dirty attack that has happened has been avoid successfully. Please note that when you trying to copy us or doing this minor issues your are not going to earn anything , you will only loose your time and get to the bottom where you was at the begging and nothing more. We ask them kindly to stay away from us and our clients.

We have noted in the past days that some people has uploaded on our servers files with a specific purpose too , please note that the terms of service is being followed strictly by us. People that are going to upload sick things / files / photos that are against the terms of service are not welcome with us and never will be part of UndergroundPrivate.com or people which are coming to make trouble and not follow the staff notices and then open multiple fake posts, there are many other providers on the market and you can try choosing them. We have note that here are multiple fake posts and one by one is going to be investigated completely again.

Our offshore hosting company not logs , stores , sell or rent your personal information's or data of our clients , we are doing our best to highly respect your privacy and provide you the best quality services on the market. No one lefts behind non helped, all together we go ahead. We are trying to help all our clients like it is written everywhere and never left anyone , we not suspend your or terminate you like it is happening on most providers , we are trying to help you in everything almost , we want to thanks here people that are non our clients and asking us for help for some issues they are getting.

We want to thanks again the staff of Wjunction.com for their work , our clients and supporters and of course our legal department service.

Hello Mark , yes we do ignore the DMCA our hosting servers are located in Russia , please feel free to contact us via below methods for more information's :
If you need to contact our web hosting company you can do it with one of the following ways :
On our Skype id undergroundprivate or email undergroundprivate.com@outlook.com or please use the ticket system via contact us on our official website.

Thank you ,

Thank you ,
Yours UndergroundPrivate.com
my small website has been transferred to a shared plan of underground i am amazed from the server speed and performance, uptime is 100% no reports anymore, great friendly support, no lag like on other providers where they tell you it your problem, cloudlinux it is being used on their server excellent on everything my feedback for the vps is here thank you guys for the wonderful service you provide

overall score 10/10
Excellent support and response

Thanks guys
You rock. The reviews all over the internet is excellent. I'm about to buy a plan but before the purchase the support and help that I received is awesome. I'm sure to remain with UndergroundPrivate.com
Looking at the chats here in this forum and reviews are great
Dear clients & customers ,

Another summer ends , you are all back from vacations and we are here more than happy to assist you all as always , hope you had a great time all in your vacation time and got rest , we want to let you know all that new services added in our offshore hosting , the most real offshore hosting with top privacy for you all , no logging of datas or personal informations.

We want to announce you that our SSD offshore shared hosting is the most stable network with 100% , no logging / sell / or rent of datas , it has unlimited bandwidth for your needs , you will get a great support from us , you asked it and you all got the best possible shared server! Hope you enjoy it all and we did it for you all with love and very much attention to small things so it gets better. DMCA is ignored on all our shared servers and on this SSD !

There was a stock problem with the server due multiple sales of packages , finally we give you the ability to you all to choose again your favorites packages that you could not get , please note all that all packages are being sold in very fast time and we have number of packages to avoid overselling and overloading of our servers.

We are glad and much happy we have clients in the most rare locations of the world from different islands of the word where the Internet is not too much stable the soul of UndergroundPrivate.com and the name exists and our glory clients lives , we want to thank you all and everyone is welcome here. All our clients coming from Asia, Europe , North / South America , Africa and much more locations where if we start writing it will take hours to finish. Thank you all and we will keep doing the great work for you.

We want to say a big public thanks to our legal team and the wjunction staff for their great work they are doing.

Note: You tried us to take us down multiple times (you know who we talk to) but you failed from the beginning , we are always online with great network of 100% !

If you are interested into our VPS Plans please take a look into this thread , we have updated many services and bring new.

If you need to contact our web hosting company you can do it with one of the following ways :
On our Skype id undergroundprivate or email undergroundprivate.com@outlook.com or please use the ticket system via contact us on our official website.

Thank you ,
Yours UndergroundPrivate.com
after a long period i think i finally found a legit and valid shared service provider without downtime, slow speed, bad support, i am using undergroundprivate for some month now and i am excited how this people work perfect service with good speed, no downtime and perfect support and finally dmca ignored with real privacy i not seen to log my informations, i lost many money on some other providers that was advertising fake things i hope i found finally a provider and stay forever with it vps is perfect too with no downtimes and perfect network in Russia my website in shared going excellent and i must thanks undergroundprivate for this


Administrators are serious and reliable, keep it up.

+100000000000000000 and the most trusted for me now on the market
One of the best hostings i ever used , 100% uptime, high speed server , and most important their support is always online , fast answer , always there to help.
They even helped me with a problem that wasnt from their side (was from domain registrar - namecheap )
BTW stay away from namecheap totally idiots , they are interested until you pay and after that dont give a f**k.
Anyway this is the best hosting provider i ever used!
They really know what they are doing!
Good job!!
These people didn't seem very professional when I contacted them on Skype. I wanted to transfer my forum to them, and they kept trying to convince me to buy a VPS. My forum is not even 3 GB in size and hardly uses 10 GB of bandwidth every month. Why the hell would I need a VPS? I told them I wanted a shared hosting plan, and they said, fine, buy a shared plan but we do not refund money if the forum doesn't work after transfer. Also, their English skills are very poor.
more than 1 year with them and so much months (client from February 2014) i am really grateful
the best offshore hosting providers no downtime no nothing
i have passed with them all the bad things that had happened on the undergroundprivate with the shuts of the voice of freedom of speech
after that all is great uptime excellent no downtime support excellent they never left you
i needed some month so someone look after of my hosting and they did me the favor nowhere else i could find such like this
thank you for everything
viva la undergroundprivate
Dear clients and customers ,

We wish you Merry Christmas to all who celebrate and may all the world have health , peace and love between each other. We wish the same to people who non celebrate to and all together we stay strong and continue !

Another year comes to the end , we all together passed multiple things together in our offshore hosting UndergroundPrivate , we became this year 2015 a target of multiple people which not loved the freedom of speech we provide to you all and the privacy , let us all remember in the first months of 2015 that our shared servers got blocked / by some "companies" and individuals people which wanted to shut down all the shared servers we do have , we not made them the favor , immediately those days after the servers become online back and we are here now 9 months after that the shared servers has 99,8% uptime almost on all locations and we ignored them totally , this made them mad but we will continue to provide more and more quality services and services with freedom to our people. Every time you making the move to block or attack one of our servers you will receive your reply who ever you are !

We are a offshore company which does do what it writes , there is a big number of requests everyday and we try to do our best to make you all happy ! We never ever left no one behind and never ever left anyone of our people without help on the bad situations they have being experiencing , we gave you the ability to use after the shared servers the quality VPS with total privacy without someone sneaking on your files like other hosting providers does so ! We have expanded to our quality dedicated servers too which they are only for our clients and soon will become available on the public too.

We have noted that there is people that has got removed from our hosting provider and then again come to us , they are welcome but without making problems again. If there is anyone who has not satisfied from our service (it happens) please contact us via below methods and we will do our best to serve you and do our best to provide you the most quality services and support you ever had.

Thousands of people from multiple locations around the world even the most rare , islands and much more show their trust on our offshore hosting provider. We want to thank you all and we will keep doing the best to provide you quality and real freedom of speech , not like some providers who only advertisements or try to copy us and this is only a common trick.

If you need to contact our web hosting company you can do it with one of the following ways : On our Skype id undergroundprivate or email sales.undergroundprivate.com@clientlogin.sx or please use the ticket system via contact us on our official website.

Thank you ,
Yours UndergroundPrivate.com
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