UndergroundPrivate.com-cPanel,Offshore,DDos protectd,SSD,Private from 1.50$(RU|FR|NE)

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Hello Kmix ,

Yes we can host you , we accept Paypala , Webmoney , Bitcoin and Paysafecards.

tight2015 thank you for your kinds words , we appreciate them. We are doing our best everytime and we are happy you all recognize it.

If you need to contact our web hosting company you can do it with one of the following ways :
On our Skype id undergroundprivate or email undergroundprivate.com@outlook.com or please use the ticket system via contact us on our official website.

Thank you ,
Yours UndergroundPrivate.com
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thanks i have order it

Added after 2 minutes:

great professional support i never saw anywhere thank you
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im about 12h down with no response from their part, im starting to wonder what got burned this time...

EDIT: Under control now
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just remove them please not ask them.. it seems all is ok now good now.. thanks for quick solution.. by the way never was down 1-2 times per week like write here.. maybe you are on other server :love::love:
Dear clients and customers ,

This is a inform for all of you , please take care of the servers you are into it , this servers are yours and not ours , this is a shared server with other clients you have , not abuse it and not make other actions that will harm it , yesterday there was a issue , a person which wrote here on topic and provided also fake comments was the main reason that we experienced the issue , of course he got moved , all clients problematic / abuse will be moved from now and on without any notification , the number of these people hopefully is very small but we must be protected all from those issues. Some writen that they not got answer to their tickets , when you post a ticket the staff is being informed for the situation and that why you see a message saying "In progress" , have patience and await the staff to reply you , by contacting us from this topic you only harm yourself and nothing more.

This topic is not support here , also let u know that this is a real offshore web hosting server , real dmca ignore and real respecting of your privacy , this is not like the rest you see on the market so when the servers are shared they will be some problems (like the DDos yesterday) , if someone not wants to have patience or coming for trouble this is not the place he should come. We have also notifed that people that has been removed in past want to come back to our hosting , we want to say if they will be polite and if they want to have real work yes they are welcome back like we did a couple days later and we accepted a number of them , people that not want to be changed no they are not welcome. We will help anyone who needs helps with his website , also please follow our orders when you are talking with us , many people that their websites needs VPS start making trouble or those who are in VPS and needs dedicated got question why they need to upgrade and how their websites worked in other different services , not make trouble but respect like we do all in the team of UndergroundPrivate.com with you. We are not here to make marketing tricks like the most and provide you false infromations so you upgrade and we take the money (like most hosting providers does so) , you are free to go anywhere else you want when this time comes and we want to ask you kindly all because people that are not our clients asking us to fix issues on their current hosting providers and ask us to help them because they have not money to migrate to ask their provider to help them , we will do this to help but not ask to much times, we have given free services to some of you which you really needed after your old provider was making fun of you and talking bad for you .

Note that tickets everyday is on very high number and some days of the months they goes up to hundrend , with the Skype support assisting more request and on tickets you get everyday in minimum the best support and everytime fix on any of your problems , on the shared service which are in Russia location (they are 15 different shared servers) it has the less downtime you would find anywhere, we try to reduce those issues that all of those issues are coming from the clients , we are doing the best we can and you most of it respect them. From this post we would like to thank you all for this wonderfull words and your trust for our services , we keep gettings your support emails and Skype messages , we won't leave you alone like you not do to us all those times. They tried lot of times to take us down and stop the freedom of speech without any luck on it , we always will be online and we will be helping you all , you can check the post here and on VPS from the issues occured and everytime we was again back after the less minimum time , so it would be the best not bother us or our clients anymore.

We also want from here to say a big warm thanks to all staff members of the wjunction and for their great work they do , so we all here experience the best in the forum of wjuction.

If you need to contact our web hosting company you can do it with one of the following ways :
On our Skype id undergroundprivate or email undergroundprivate.com@outlook.com or please use the ticket system via contact us on our official website.

Thank you ,
Yours UndergroundPrivate.com

Added after 1 Day 6 Hours:

im about 12h down with no response from their part, im starting to wonder what got burned this time...

EDIT: Under control now

Hello Boomerman ,

Even if we answer you to the above reply let us answer to another reply , before couple of days you started complaining how you not got answer to the ticket and that you faced issues , let us infrom like you did in public that now 2 days constantly you are sending e-mails that causes huge load on the server , yesterday you have continued this without saying to you anything , today another emails send again by your service and you are doing nothing more than spamming , ticket has been opened and answered to you and we are still waiting from you to answer some hours , we want with this to inform people how they make abuse and complain for their issues , if ip's declared by a spam and goes to the additional listing it will be nothing more than useless regarding your issues and then you will make huge damage to the people. We have not terminated you that we should do since you are breaking the terms , even in another hosting provider you would be out not without any information regarding your remove , you was the 2nd main reason why on the date you complained network had issues , we all the times you made load we reduce it since there is monitoring by the team of UndergroundPrivate. Next time before posting non sense and if you are the reason think twice , this is very sad and not the others , also you was making in the past huge load again , this will be the final warning for you and all other which not want to respect normal things! From now and on we are not going to have anymore patience , we gave much and we get in back the thanks with fake posts of some people here , people that are coming for doing problems are not welcome , people that will respect all in UndergroundPrivate (when we say all staff and clients) are most welcome. This is how the real things are and not how it is writen next time write the full story and not what ever fits to you , next time before complain for the time of answer see the indication of under "Hold on" was setup in minutes and thats seem that the staff is notified.

If you need to contact our web hosting company you can do it with one of the following ways :
On our Skype id undergroundprivate or email undergroundprivate.com@outlook.com or please use the ticket system via contact us on our official website.

Thank you ,
Yours UndergroundPrivate.com
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Hello epsania ,

Yes we accept webmoney , once you order the service open a ticket to request to pay it with webmoney.

We accept Paypal , Webmoney , Bitcoin.

If you need to contact our web hosting company you can do it with one of the following ways :
On our Skype id undergroundprivate or email undergroundprivate.com@outlook.com or please use the ticket system via contact us on our official website.

Thank you ,
Yours UndergroundPrivate.com


We have started mass migration of all servers to Russia SSD KVM ones today , the process will be completed in the next 3 business day , please open a ticket for further.

Thank you ,
Yours UndergroundPrivate.com
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Dear clients and customers ,

The time that we all awaited has came , all our service from now and on has been migrated to Russia , multiple e-mails coming and asking us if Netherlands is DMCA ignored as location , the Netherlands is not DMCA ignored like all the rest European countries , multiple things has been changed with those locations and it is not for using them more , multiple customers that interested into our services has reported as when they was using other providers they got very large problems , we won't use officially for providing services to Netherlands or similar European country for our services , you have the ability to order per your request any location you would need for your services.

As we have wrote all services is now on Russia , all the hardware comes with latest upgrades and technology same as the network , fast reliable and safe network to be used. All hard disk are now SAS (15K) , we do have and SSD , just get in touch with us. We always respect highly your privacy , we not share / rent / sell your data or personal information's with others. Our official website undergroundprivate.com has been updated also with the prices as the topic here , also the shared hosting is being upgraded with SSD disk and Russia location too with highly privacy on it for you.

We do also now provide fully managed dedicated servers that you can find on our official websites as the bulletproof VPS.

Anyone needs to get in touch with us regarding our services please not hesitate to contact us on the below methods.

We would like to thank you all for the support via emails , skype and other methods you are showing us , we will our best to provide you the best quality services and support you won't find anywhere else. We would like from here to thanks the wjunction staff for the great work they are doing with the community so we all have the best experience.

On our offshore hosting company there is no hidden charges or fees , no marketing tricks on services , we do what we say.

If you need to contact our web hosting company you can do it with one of the following ways :
On our Skype id undergroundprivate or email undergroundprivate.com@outlook.com or please use the ticket system via contact us on our official website.

Thank you ,
Yours UndergroundPrivate.com
1 year proud client never i saw like this provider they are in all the best you can imagine

wooow : ))) after the network update today the speeds are freaking awesome for Russia location, you was and are my best host i feel so safe for everything with you and your support is f****** awesome i simply love you

love you
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Dear clients and customers ,

Day , night , cold , heat , rain , snow , earthquakes and many more disasters and we are here to assist you all with the best support and quality offshore hosting service.

We are everyday getting too much requests and tickets by all of you and we are all doing the best to assist you , we want you thank you all for choosing us and supporting us everyday and sending your e-mails with your supports , we will do the best we can to support you all , we do what we say to you , we are not like rest providers that they not does what they say and throw you out of the service when a problem happens , we not suspend you , we not terminate but instead of this we try to help you in the best possible way.

The new network before some days has been upgraded successfully , we are running all the latest technology on the servers you all loved in Russia , great lighting speeds and quality , hardware has been upgraded too. You will find in our offshore provider the best cheap prices and the best quality , all our services are managed by us and there are no hidden feeds or additional fees.

Because many email are consider to payments methods we want to inform you that we accept : Paypal , Bitcoin , Webmoney and Paysafecards.

Please note that all shared hosting servers are running under SSD disks which will provide you the best quality.

If you need to contact our web hosting company you can do it with one of the following ways :
On our Skype id undergroundprivate or email undergroundprivate.com@outlook.com or please use the ticket system via contact us on our official website.

Thank you ,
Yours UndergroundPrivate.com
Ok so I bought there aac yesterday, I wanted to test this host, I paid shared plan, I used whole 16.46 MB of bandwidth, after that, I wanted to cancel my account same day because it's not what I'm looking for and get refund, but their support guy wrote me something like this: :-=

Hello ,

We not make refunds.

ToS - Knowledgebase - UndergroundPrivate.com | Web Hosting | FRANCE , RUSSIA , ROMANIA , NETHERLANDS |

Once you singed up in our services you agreed the terms.

Thank you.

Yours sincerely,
John Q

refeir to their blah, blah, blah, called TOS:

UndergroundPrivate.com does not return money received on account of the service or services activated.
In case of return of unused funds, the refund amount is equal to the amount of unused funds in the account, minus transfer commission costs.

I cant get refund because of using 17mb of transfer :cough: :facepalm: so if somebody want the cheapest shared plan from this "company" for free just drop me pm with your email adress I will give it to you :O)

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Hello simporium ,

This is for the Netherlands server which all packages has been sold , thank you for understanding.

If you need to contact our web hosting company you can do it with one of the following ways :
On our Skype id undergroundprivate or email undergroundprivate.com@outlook.com or please use the ticket system via contact us on our official website.

Thank you ,
Yours UndergroundPrivate.com
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