Ultramegabit Pay-Per Download $35/1000 - PPS 75% - Rebill 60/40

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can u install some eu servers for ftp?

Added after 18 minutes:

I have disabled enhanced security but whenever I try to upload via Zoom Uploader my account gets locked :(
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Dear moggie , today there is a big problem with uploaded files.
404 Not Found

All my Files is not working

Also , my refferal tell me that his files is not working .
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hello moogie!!!!

how's your ppd earning count? tomo night i checked my account stat it shows 3+ dollars in unpaid approve balance and today in my daily stat mail it show 2 dollars only....can you please explain how your system works?

anyone having same issue? please monitor your earning?
use only Rapidleech for my upload, all my uploads are corrupted pls fix the problem.
I read that there are problems with special characters, but all public RapidLeech use them fix pls.
I hope you solve soon because for me and many others I presume, is impossible to proceed with the work
on the right hand side of your filename you can see the Details button
click on it and a drop down menu will appear then click on permissions and then you can set ur file to premium only ;)
Myown maybe are, but in fact, are counted, but people cant download any of files, after waiting and write captcha cod, the download not begin, but I think is counted... people are sad even if we win money, I want people be happy and can download what I prepared and made for them, because in this way people will ignore the UMB and find a stable website, other mirror and this obligate us to use UMB as a secondary mirror, and this is not good for all of us. I hope moogie will fix it adding more servers, It can be ok with some eu servers leaseweb are strong.
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