Ultramegabit Pay-Per Download $35/1000 - PPS 75% - Rebill 60/40

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Hi Moogie. Thanks for the update regarding the processing of Uploaded files. However, I am noticing a new issue. When I uploaded a File this morning, waiting for the processing of that File to finish, when you click on the link, it only available for Premium download. Now, I didn't have this issue on Thursday or Friday when I uploaded any Files. So, I clicked on the Details icon, scrolled down to Permissions, and my Permissions were set to "Premium Only" which I never set myself in the first place. So, I promptly changed the permission to "No Restrictions". I refreshed the page, clicked on my File link again, and it still says only available for Premium download. I deleted my File, logged out of my Account, logged back in, reuploaded the File, waited for the processing to finish, and I ended up with the same result with the File only available for Premium download. Again I changed the permission to "No Restrictions". refreshed the page, clicked on the File link, and still only available for Premium download. I don't know what else do. Is there a glitch on your end that is causing this issue?

it's not PREMIUM only. You're seeing premium download because you are an affiliate account, which only displays the PREMIUM download link.
hello moogie!!!!

how's your ppd earning count? tomo night i checked my account stat it shows 3+ dollars in unpaid approve balance and today in my daily stat mail it show 2 dollars only....can you please explain how your system works?

anyone having same issue? please monitor your earning?

can you please answer this
i don't understand what you're saying, so i can't give you an accurate response. If you're asking about different stats in your daily mail, and what you seen, it could be because you are watching your stats live, and the daily mail shows what you made that day. So anything over your daily earnings obviously wouldn't show up in your mail?
files are not downloading...

404 Not Found



please fix it.
we're working on investigating this. The links a few of you have sent me are all working, and did not 404 for us. Still investigating. thanks

moogie hope to fix all 404 links very soon :)

send me your links as well to PM please, I'd like to investigate yours as well. Thank you
it's not PREMIUM only. You're seeing premium download because you are an affiliate account, which only displays the PREMIUM download link.

Hi Moogie. Thank you for the response. One more thing, I have not been able to Login to the pap.ultramegabit.com site at all. Should I send a PM to you with my Ultramegabit E-mail so you can check it out? If I read the information right, an Affiliate must login to that site in order to setup which Affiliate program they want to use, either PPD or PPS. Am I correct or no?
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