Ultramegabit Pay-Per Download $35/1000 - PPS 75% - Rebill 60/40

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I cannot figure out the purpose of the remote upload when it doesn't support file transfer from another file host to UMB but only direct links.In my case it doesn't work not even with direct links (FF or DF to UMB)so practically is useless.I don't understand why for the majority of users here is the best remote upload system. :( Do i miss something?
Oh Boo Hoo Hoo..

I think that this topic in File Hosts Official Support.....
i can ask the support and th Friends All things related to the service Like tier system..upload,download,payments...ecc

Who are you???To speak so with members???
u are support Ultramegabits???
ua re moderator for this site?
Or Just Making Noise....
i hope kraftx will no longer spam this board about His English..And leave a reply to the support

All I ask is that the Whiners quit whining about the payment tiers. They are set up by the filehost administrators for a reason and if they are changed, they are changed by the administrators for a reason. They are not changed because whiners from Italy and elsewhere spam ALL of the Filehosts forums asking to be put to the front of the line!!:P
I read about all of the different filehosts and get information about the abilities of the various filehosts from their individual sections and I find the information to be helpful. However, when the boards are filled up with the "uneducated" asking the same questions over and over again, it finally hit a nerve - Especially on Ultramegabits because this is the BEST Filehost in the current marketplace (IMHO) and I would like to be able to read about issues people are having that have to do with utilizing the host rather than asking the rules to be changed to fit their particular circumstances. To me, those issued should be discussed Privately with PM''s to the Filehost site Admin (Sorry Admin's, I can imagine you Can't Stand those messages in Private anymore than on the Boards!) and Not Spamming the Board and BORING the rest of us that are trying to get valuable information about our favorite filehost(s)!

Now, I ask you to get back to reading that "English for Dummies" book so you understand what my post(s) is all about!!

I'm only kidding in that last sentence!:P
@ Moogie

Excuse Me, Is My Affiliate PPD Account Now Activated ?
I See That's The Account Status Set On Basic

My Username Is : ThundaMic

If Not, I Would Be Happy If I Can Join Your Affiliate Program,Too.
All pending affiliate accounts have been activated who have followed directions correctly on page 1. Thanks!

@ Moogie

Excuse Me, Is My Affiliate PPD Account Now Activated ?
I See That's The Account Status Set On Basic

My Username Is : ThundaMic

If Not, I Would Be Happy If I Can Join Your Affiliate Program,Too.

of course it is not active. You didn't bother to read page 1, on how to be come active. Please do so, and you will be an active affiliate.

I cannot figure out the purpose of the remote upload when it doesn't support file transfer from another file host to UMB but only direct links.In my case it doesn't work not even with direct links (FF or DF to UMB)so practically is useless.I don't understand why for the majority of users here is the best remote upload system. :( Do i miss something?
the purpose of remote upload is to upload from a remote host. We do not offer rapidleech.
I get this error when logging:

An Error Was Encountered

The action you have requested is not allowed.

(In fact, I was already logged page asking for login again)
the purpose of remote upload is to upload from a remote host. We do not offer rapidleech.

I think this was never mentioned before.So you're telling me that someone must register first ,then to pay to get a premium account,and if by luck is a wjunction member,after reading all these posts, will realize that your remote upload is to upload only from a remote host and not from other file hosts. In my opinion this is not fair.I don't know but somehow this sould be clear before someone decides to pay for a premium.:(
I already paid for 90days premium account that is completely useless to me since you don't offer this feature :(
Last edited:

Response: 421 15 users (the maximum) are already logged in, sorry
Error: Could not connect to server

please fix..thank you
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