UltraMegaBit.com Discussion Thread - Post your discussion related to UMB here!

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I have a problem only with some files appear active links are dead but really that seems to be lost ...
I have premium and when I should not expire premium expires and delete files, they definitely say goodbye.
I've just got a payment to my Paypal!, I haven't really been using UMB since they stopped PPD but decided to leave some of my files up regardless and got two sales!! NICE:P. Still wish the PPD would come back though, no host counts downloads more accurate than the UMB (in my opinion).
having uploading issues at moment ..

Added after 1 Day 11 Hours:

only ftp1 having issues.. ftp2/3/4 are fine so is the sales


Added after 18 Hours 1:

wmz payout done. ty
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