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  1. J - Discussion.

    affiliate HI! MaxFJ, Can you add me to the affiliate program, Please. Username: 9508047335 Thanks!
  2. J - Trouble free file sharing! Wowzers! It’s super easy!

    Thank you! Jeff, pp payment took longer than usual but I finally got it. Have a Good one!
  3. J - Trouble free file sharing! Wowzers! It’s super easy!

    Hello Jeff, were payments for pay-pal done already? because I did not get mine. request #60298
  4. J Discussion Thread - Post your discussion related to UMB here!

    No luck No such luck for me.:facepalm: I haven't got any payout from them since June also. I'm not uploading there any more.
  5. J - Trouble free file sharing! Wowzers! It’s super easy!

    That might be a joke, but you got to realize is the up-loaders that make it all happen.
  6. J Discussion Thread - Post your discussion related to UMB here!

    Still on "Hold" for me.:facepalm: Since like forever.
  7. J - Earn up to 65% per new sales!

    activation Hello, Asfile. Can you activate the affiliate program on my account. Thank you!. Username: J1mnz
  8. J Discussion Thread - Post your discussion related to UMB here!

    17/5/2014 nothing since. They want us to work for free, I guess.