UltraMegaBit.com Discussion Thread - Post your discussion related to UMB here!

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wtf?mean this ultramegabit is OVER?

Dont panic..

dude,see this

AG recovers $20K in settlement with Internet “file-locker” website, consumers to receive money from defendant
SEATTLE — The Washington State Attorney General’s Office (AGO) has recovered $20,000 from Rudy O. Corella, Jr., owner of Ultra Mega Corp to resolve allegations that Ultra Mega Corp engaged in a number of deceptive business practices in violation of the Washington state Consumer Protection Act.

Ultra Mega Corp, LLC (UMB) otherwise known as www.ultramegabit.com is a California corporation doing business via the Internet. UMB is a “file locker” — a website that stores files online and provides the opportunity for the files to be downloaded.

Unless a consumer purchases a membership, downloads are limited. Consumers may purchase memberships for $9.50 per month or $52 for six months.

The AGO alleges UMB failed to adequately disclose that member subscription plans automatically renew without the member’s approval. Additional deceptive business practices include:

• Failure to disclose that some content may be copyrighted and therefore illegal to download; and
• Implicitly leading members to believe they are accessing content legally on UMB by charging for access to that content.

“Ultra Mega Corp’s business model was confusing to consumers who are familiar with companies like Netflix or other companies that charge consumers a monthly fee to legally watch TV shows and movies,” said Assistant Attorney General Jake Bernstein, the lead on this case.

“The AGO investigation revealed that the most popular files stored on UMB are copyrighted works, such as TV shows and movies, that members can not legally download,” Bernstein said. “UMB members were unknowingly downloading copyrighted content illegally, opening themselves up to potential lawsuits by content owners, as occurred with Napster and the music industry.”

UMB does not provide any content on its own; rather, UMB pays affiliates to upload files that become available for UMB’s members to download. UMB actively solicits for and pays its affiliates up to $35 for every 1000 downloads that the affiliates’ files achieve.

The $20,000 recovered from Corella will go toward the AGO’S costs and fees.

Separately, Corella will email Washington state consumers who bought a premium membership between January 1, 2012 and November 20, 2013 and offer them a refund if they were charged for an automatically renewed membership that they did not want and did not make use of.

Consumers who bought memberships to this service, who do not hear from Corella, should file a complaint with the AGO.
Cant Login...

"[h=1]An Error Was Encountered[/h]Sesssion expired, please refresh your page, If you continue seeing this error, try deleting your cookies."

Anyone else?
it would be nice if admin can clear things about this thing, i am slightly worried about the future of the site.

UMB Support had the officially supported thread here at WJunction closed because they no longer wished to continue to offer support here. This new thread was created just for people to talk amongst themselves about UMB. We won't get any official responses here.

It doesn't look like they'll be posting any notifications on the UMB site to let users know whats going on either. But to be honest, my experience with other hosts is pretty much the same - when they are having server, backend or major billing problems, they rarely acknowledge them publicly.
it would be nice if admin can clear things about this thing, i am slightly worried about the future of the site.

UMB Support had the officially supported thread here at WJunction closed because they no longer wished to continue to offer support here. This new thread was created just for people to talk amongst themselves about UMB. We won't get any official responses here.

It doesn't look like they'll be posting any notifications on the UMB site to let users know whats going on either. But to be honest, my experience with other hosts is pretty much the same - when they are having server, backend or major billing problems, they rarely acknowledge them publicly.

lets hope that umb admin give exception to this problem. Because its a very serious thing and i am sure many will have fear about the future of the site.

i am using umb as a main host, so if it goes down, it will be a big blow, thats why i hope admin will give update in umb site or here,

we will wait and see.

btw its good to see that the site is back.
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can someone answer me fast please

when i add my account in jdownload it say invalid account ... does jd support it ?

does UMB have option for direct download ?
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can someone answer me fast please
when i add my account in jdownload it say invalid account ... does jd support it ?
does UMB have option for direct download ?

Do a SEARCH of the old UMB Official Support thread, my memory is that UMB didn't support JD and with updates a few months ago UMB wasn't working in JD anymore and UMB wasn't willing to help them fix the problem.

There's been some controversy over JD, with indications that the developer was doing some not so nice things. A google search or a search here will get you more details.
PayPal payment recived last week and today i was payed few hrs ago :P i think was a problem at wmz we need an official reply of rudy about problems and wmz payments (there is a problem with exchanger) you can call at contact number cause they are a legal comapny and that number is real ;) and you can reply here with answer
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