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dmca will be treated seriously of course! we require a "signed" takedown notice. we just don't delete on request!

But I mean it's clear if you have something like "WHITNEY HOUSTON ALBUM XYZ" and universal music sends a complaint it's a real notice...

But if it's just "somebody" we require additional documents if it's not clear. We respect the copyright of 3rd parties! So we try our best to cooperate with them and delete files on request. But only on true requests!
As far as I know the DMCA is a USA law, I never understood why businesses in other countries feel obligated to honor it, I know that if some other country passed a law and said the USA had to follow it too the USA would be screaming bloody murder... why honor a law that was not created by countries outside the USA??
I'm surprised some of the question posted here are worthy of a reply.

If half of you were to take time out and follow the topic ( that means reading) you would know the situation.

If half of you were to start your own file host you might be more appreciative with the effort, costings, and the problems faced.

I could never start a file host because in all honesty I wouldn't have the patience to deal with some of you idiots, never mind the wasted time.
maybe it's because yesterday download speed slow and not all ppl download complete or ppl cancel their download.... if i not wrong, only completed download earning. same on me too :)
I'm surprised some of the question posted here are worthy of a reply.

If half of you were to take time out and follow the topic ( that means reading) you would know the situation.

If half of you were to start your own file host you might be more appreciative with the effort, costings, and the problems faced.

I could never start a file host because in all honesty I wouldn't have the patience to deal with some of you idiots, never mind the wasted time.

One of the best posts in this whole thread! Thank you!

Added after 5 minutes:

As far as I know the DMCA is a USA law, I never understood why businesses in other countries feel obligated to honor it, I know that if some other country passed a law and said the USA had to follow it too the USA would be screaming bloody murder... why honor a law that was not created by countries outside the USA??

Good question! But I think the US DMCA covers everything.

Why write a new law? :) I mean in Hong Kong they also have something but in Hong Kong and Asia it's common to break the law because no one cares :D

Otherwise you wouldn't get all those fakes products in Asia...

I mean we concern on Hong Kong law but for DMCA it's the USA.
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