UFOX.com Official Support Thread

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It seems the new host is soon to be our old host! They are just the website host... not the file host so the files are all ok... but without the website you can't access anything... :139:

UPDATE: I'm working right now on moving the website to a new backup host.

OK we have moved the site... should be all good now. We're really sorry about the problem...

This is what the problematic host has reported:

We have escalated the case on Juniper as we didn't get a proper solution to a problem they seem to have never faced and affects both routers.

We won't be using them any longer!
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Have a nice day please could you increase the daily limit for downloading? I know that, but you need to get less and less people can afford to buy premium. I know of no one survey I did on my site.
please add other payment ! webmoney or moneybookers very good !

FIleparadox , junoclound , fileom ... webmoney payment

my paypal limited :(
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Hi guys,

We know about it.... it'll be fixed soon.

Update: Should be ok now... we're building a new super server that we'll be changing over too very soon.
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Have a nice day, I have a problem - I wanted to extend a premium account and I accidentally clicked to create a new account, please we could do something about it? Thank you for your response.
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