UFOX.com Official Support Thread

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wow... upload speeds today are impossible. literally. slower than anything I've ever seen......

We're adding 2 more servers... one tomorrow if all goes well. It's insane how quickly things are growing.... we can't keep up! :sohot: Also some of the older, smaller, slower servers will be taken out of servce... in place of new big boxes!
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Please check your PM @ZAPuLAT3R . ;)

do you have any promotional banners?
when i click on banners on my account, it only shows me a system page. It has some images, but it's only the site logo in several sizes, no banners....
If you have some actual banners, please let me know, so I can use them on my sites.

And... Can you PLEASE move France to Group 1?? Been asking this for about a month now.....
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