UFOX.com Official Support Thread

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no sorry, that can't be removed. Why would it matter? are you using your real name ???

hello zapu, that would matter due security issues
if the uploader username is visible, is more easy to hackers trying to steal accounts in special if those accounts are premiums .....:heiligenschein:

also would be nice if you answer the emails of contact form (instead of pms from here) .... I find inefficient that people pm you here .... your company is ufox not wjunction ... so the contact question and request issues that you need to attend in first instance are those requests sent to your contact email account and not pm's of a third party site like this forum or other forums or facebook or similar

thank you in advance and good luck with your business :fly::sun:
@cloudnine ZAPuLAT3R will reply to your emails at nite he in a different timezone and is sleep

and that why you have security lock its nothing to do with the name
@ps2gameman I sent some emails since a week or so and not reply ....
I find inefficient that I need to come here to the board in way to contact the support :heiligenschein:

I did wait with patience with not reply .... and I don't understand why ... the people needs to contact the support via third party like this board for example

thank you in advance

ps. and for the security thing about the nickname, of course it has to do with the hacking thing etc ... it's not secure or safe showing the nickname in the download info file
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Hi, admin. Could you please offer long Links (contain the file names) for the uploaded files?
There are forums that require this, can put it in another window
What about doing it like this, in the download links, provide short links.

Then in the forum codes and html codes, provide links with file names.
There are a few hosts which does like this.
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