UFOX.com Official Support Thread

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looks like I've missed a lot of things today :D
btw Zap mate, please add the new PPD rate in your 1st post, so that ppl may easily see it :)
For now, with the new rate..I can not work only with ufox..
There is no difference between the rate for cyber,Sharefiles..all file host and ufox...
I was only ufox in all my news for support them but now I am forced to work with more than one filehosting at same time with ufox..
best regards..
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speed for free users is now 30KB/s turbobit have better :) pls give 100KB/s for free users like was before, all hosts give 100-500KB/s for free users this is standard, normally speed
If wupload rates were too high to afford them then u should've decreased a bit giving filesonic or fileserve rates but with this huge change the rates are not attractive anymore for most of uploaders
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