UFOX.com Official Support Thread

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PPD is coming back in 1 to 2 weeks time... so get ready because we are. Now is your time to get in on the action with a free 30 day premium account.

Also note that all premium accounts will be extended another 30 days when we reintroduce the PPD program. :fly:
we are waiting for PPD
and thanks for Premium account
can you make your free download faster for my users ?

If they just register they will get 4x the download speed of non registered users. Once they do that if they go "Like" us on FaceBook we'll give you a FREE 30 day Premium membership. Just have them PM me on FaceBook their user name for UFOX.com so I can upgrade them to Premium.


Also if you're already a Premium member, you can get another 30 days for each person you get to "Like" us on FaceBook. Get you friends and family to "Like" us and you'll get 30 days more for each one ... just PM me your username after you click the "Like"

Added after 21 Hours 46 minutes:

We're now going for 100 "Likes" on Facebook.... and we're at 56 now... so lots more free accounts to give away!

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