UFOX.com Official Support Thread

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I don't know but I find very suspicious that you stopped ppd program with the excuse of fixing the download stats bla bla bla.... one week it's too much time to do that, and for experience in this XFS I know that issue could be fixed and solved in matter of hours ... so it's pretty fishy to me, also looks like you want to catch and retain the people with the old cheap trick of giving away premium accounts

I don't buy it and members be careful with this filehosting

stop uplading here until the ppd program working again, also delete your currents files until ppd's back because I have the feeling that this people will catch the money and run ( I think the only purpose of these people is gain traffic to ufox.com domain, and then change the site to an other one .. but they need YOUR TRAFFIC and it's very cheap giving away useless premiums accounts and after shut down the site and change for another one ... porn probably)
Up account: skyminsky

I don't know but I find very suspicious that you stopped ppd program with the excuse of fixing the download stats bla bla bla.... one week it's too much time to do that, and for experience in this XFS I know that issue could be fixed and solved in matter of hours ... so it's pretty fishy to me, also looks like you want to catch and retain the people with the old cheap trick of giving away premium accounts

I don't buy it and members be careful with this filehosting

stop uplading here until the ppd program working again, also delete your currents files until ppd's back because I have the feeling that this people will catch the money and run ( I think the only purpose of these people is gain traffic to ufox.com domain, and then change the site to an other one .. but they need YOUR TRAFFIC and it's very cheap giving away useless premiums accounts and after shut down the site and change for another one ... porn probably)

Look it's not something that can be fixed in a few hours, like you seem to think. The big problem was we had to many people uploading all at the same time. We're currently adding more servers but this takes time. Servers have to be ordered and setup by the data-center, then they need to be configured, the scripts have to be installed, they have to tied into the database, they have to be tested... more special mods are then added by the software company. It takes days to bring more servers online, not hours.

Right now we're NOT even selling any Premium memberships and we've got no ad's on the site... so we're making nothing, zero, zip $0 .. it's actually costing us a lot more then you think... so you think something is fishy? We were just caught by surprise by the huge demand for our new service and have stopped everything while we can expand the whole hosting system properly. So Please stop all these conspiracy theories and just give us a chance.

Thank you
If you are talking the truth, then ask to a mod or admin of wjunction, to close your official thread, until all these issues will being solved.

It's not professional and also is fishy come here with a filehosting full of bugs and troubles, what kind of service are you sharing? what kind of affiliate program are you promoting, a bug one? The only thing I can see is that you want to gain traffic to your domain ufox.com ... maybe you are not selling premiums or showing ads, because this is not your purpose ;)

If you have all these troubles of servers, stats etc etc, why are you encoraging the people to entry in your boat, giving away useless premiums accounts and also encoraging uploads? ...sound fishy and in my opinion it is not professional ( just in case you care about your own brand reputation in internet). If you were K.O. by the suddenly demand of your service, means that you never did a propper resarch and planification, and this isn't our fault or wjunction fault. To run a service like this you must at least work previously in a serious market research, to avoid these current problems that you are showing now... this is another signal of not pro behaviour, and another good reason to keep the eyes open with this filehosting service.

best regards
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Look my profile and send me activeted mail

im do register bat not come me activited mail pls send me activited mail and do my profile premium
If you were K.O. by the suddenly demand of your service, means that you never did a propper resarch and planification, and this isn't our fault or wjunction fault. To run a service like this you must at least work previously in a serious market research, to avoid these current problems that you are showing now... this is another signal of not pro behaviour, and another good reason to keep the eyes open with this filehosting service.

best regards

You're absolutely correct... and I'm not going to argue with you on this point, but it's impossible to really know what your traffic levels are going to be until you launch. There are no books out there on how to run a file share company.. trust me I did look. The competitors all had learning curves too... rapidgator was off-line for a month in May... but they came back stronger then ever. And none of the competitors will ever tell you how they are running their system... it's very secretive stuff. Kim's Mega launch is still having problems, even a week later, and he's a pro at this business if there ever was one.

We did however gather a great deal of valuable information and are using it to improve. We plan to be back... if all goes well mid week.

of course you can know how will be your future traffic if you don't know that fact, makes me worries even more :facepalm: I am not going to explain how to know it because it's a work of a consultant, and I can see you need a consultant staff ASAP....

My advice try to spend money in a consultant staff to work in market research and work on a good futures plans (if your goal is to stay in the long term in the cyberlocker market) ... if not ... I see you a bad future, no only for your affiliates, a bad future for you too, you will end broken badly, ruined ...

My other advice contact to admin staff of this board and ask to lock this thread until you solve these issues, and ask then to re open it when you really will be able to show us a proper service with a proper affiliate program without improvisations, with a reliable affiliate programs. You cannot encourage the people to upload if you have those terrible problems of planning, it's not fair and it's not honest.

And people stop uploading here obviously until all these issues are being cleared

thank you
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when will add ftp server and deposit remote not wroking.. i see your remote area very old.. :D fileserver ??? Uploading ??? Filesonic???? Wupload ??? Crocko??? maybe u can do update letitbit , turbobit or rapidgator later people can do remote on ur site but remote slow and i think many uploder friends wait ftp server .... u do soon ...
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