V2 - Sexier and Better!

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Now the main thing to do is change your button designs, try giving the webmaster a different choice to choose what button to use on his/her site.

Otherwise preety impressive :)
Just done some minor improvement and started answering to all the emails that have been sent. All the images and links on the /site/ should be fixed now.
Looks fucking awesome dude :)) I'll give a detailed review after sometime. Really cool. Just trying to fix my auto submitter and wX will be back on whoo ;D
@DeLeTeD: Yeah that was the goal of this new version, I didn't like the old skin anymore, it wasn't clean and definately not wel organized. ;)

Site is still being updated, search images have been replaced, working on some other stuff too now ;)
Looks amazing. However, you may want to fix this:
A few suggestions

In the titles if their is a '-' dash it displays as –
I think this
should be
to show it links to youtube.
The "Provided by" column should be centered. That will reduce the space refereed to earlier and improve the appearance.
Add a tiny bit of padding to the left and right of the "Top Downloads at the moment" and "Affiliates"
Maybe have the other sidebars on FAQ, Webmasters, Contact etc. as well. Not just Affiliates.
The How to download text is a bit long on the leftbar? Same for Search Accuracy.
In chrome the menu is square while it's round in FF.
I'd make the whole search box a bit bigger and more obvious. Stretch it to the left and add padding.
The tag cloud doesn't work for me in Chrome or FF.
Their's a few spelling mistakes like on the webmasters page "OfCourse", on siteinfo "annd" and more on the FAQ.
It would be cool if you could click on the animation in the top right to search for the movie it's showing.

These are just minor things things though and as far as the script and skin go it's really cool and great work. Advert free as well which is brilliant. Nice work Whoo.
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