Turbobit Discussion Thread - Post your discussions related to Turbobit here.

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How to change payment details

How can I change my payment details? I have selected WMZ but the rest of the options are blocked, I want to change to Paypal.

Good choice, paypal is easiest, although you do lose 2% on every payout.
You can change your payout at costaction by choosing:"settings" in the first main menu.
Payment details is the first section in the right window then.
How much storage space does Turbobit offer to free registered users?
How long does the turbobit.net server keep the files for PREMIUM users? In the website says 90 days, in the support website says 120 days!


Hey Stokz,

I've not seen any limit on storage at Turbobit, but I do need to correct you on the timelines, it's 30 days of not downloading.
so for every file you have a counter that says "will be deleted (days)" with 30 and the counter goes down every day the file is not downloaded.
Until you get to an elite status, like Magnate, then your counters all stay at 30 days while you have that status...


Added after 2 minutes:

The Paypal option is blocked for some reason, only WMZ is available :?:

You can see it's currently blocked as you changed on 21 June, and you can only change it once a week, try again after 26 June.
I had some trouble getting it right in the past, but it did work after unlocking and then you can create your payout request... and they money comes about a week later...
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hello , But turbobit to the PPD program? And do you know the download counts from the same ip in 24 hours? thank you

It isn't really PPD, they have 1 week, 1 month and up to 2 years premium offers, they just also offer 1 day and up to 5 days via SMS.
For free downloads it does even use your IP range to give you a delay of 10 mins if you have downloaded recently.
hello , But turbobit to the PPD program? And do you know the download counts from the same ip in 24 hours? thank you

It isn't really PPD, they have 1 week, 1 month and up to 2 years premium offers, they just also offer 1 day and up to 5 days via SMS.
For free downloads it does even use your IP range to give you a delay of 10 mins if you have downloaded recently.
Hello, but I did not understand what you mean ... I was asking if they had a pay-per-download program ...
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