TheVideo - March Promo Earn 50% More Up to $45

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Remote URL Upload keeps playing up and files don't upload 90% of the time.

I keep getting this error:

ERROR:File download failed:403 Forbidden

But then I can add it to the list again, and the file will upload just fine.

This error:

ERROR:FS: Not video file format

But the file is a video format, and if I add it to the list again it will upload.

Could you please sort it out? It's quite frustrating having to keep adding the same file over and over again so it will finally upload.
I was checking my account this morning and noticed that my account had a different username..
Same stats and current earnings...
My account has been hacked...
The username has been changed; my username has been deleted.
The email and payment address have been changed as well..
They even requested payment..
when do we received a good customer support or answer on whats happening or going on? are thevideo still ok? or what? when will the pending payment will be paid? let us know please?
i hope so it will be done today, still waiting until now status remains pending. hope it will be done according to what they have said to us every 15 and 30 of the month. Good luck to all and god bless. Good day.
@Brightlight :

My account was hacked too a month ago. I contact Ahoura regarding this issue. He help me restore everything.

I suggest after your account restored, enabled security lock and IP lock. It will prevent from happening again.

Hope it can help.
Have a nice day to all
a short but brief reminders from the admin will be that big help to all of us have peace of mind as to when is the payment day will be done. a short post from admin will be that very informative. i hope he will spare us a minute to show and inform us of what was the development of the site and what day would we will be expecting to received the payment we all waiting for a couple of days until now. God bless us all.

Just got reply from Ahoura...Due to Easter holiday and some works in his real life, payment will be process at the next 2 day after Easter Day.
Perhaps at Monday or Tuesday. Please be patient.
Happy Easter to all :)
yes when will be the regular payout day will be restored or be followed according to what the admin said in the first post when the site was first introduce here at wj? i hope a regular payout day will come to its normal schedule when all affiliate will receive their payment request together and on schedule. please admin keep us posted keep us well informed and updated on what is really going on and is there still any problem? when will this problem be solve? or will this problem can still be solve if ever there is?and when will affiliates be paid on fairly and just basis, i mean if others have receive payment i hope all who request will also be paid as fairly as it should be. Thanks and God bless. have a nice day to all.
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