is a free video sharing website allowing our users to store their personal videos for free.
We pay up to $30/10K views according to the table below.
March Promo : Earn 50% more the month of march.

Affiliate Rules :
- Payouts are done twice a month, on the 15th and the 30th of each month.
- Earnings are updated live.
- We pay via Paypal ($20 Min) and Wire Transfer ($500 Min).
- Porn is not allowed
- We count partial video views (25%<)
New "Add To My Account" Feature
You can easily grow your earnings exponentially with our new "Add To My Account" feature. This system is designed to help uploaders gain benefit from their videos anytime others copy them into their account. The original uploader earns 30% of the profits earned from the copied videos. Also note that we support multi-tiered copying, meaning that if a copy of your video was copied again you will still earn 30% of the profit.
Upload Files
You may upload files upto 2GB for free via
- Regular Web Upload
- Remote (Youtube, VidUP Links Supported)
- Zoom Upload
Visitors can watch videos for free. We serve each video in upto 3 different formats, Low Quality (mobile 240p), Normal (360p) and High Quality (480p). Mobile users are redirected automatically to the 240 version of the videos.
We welcome your feedback and any feature requests you have, We will always try to provide the best service possible so dont hesitate to send us your suggestions.
Ready to register? Click Here
Thank You,
TheVideo Administration.
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