Selling themaPoster - multi-poster, reply / create threads, schedule, lots of automation...


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themaPoster - software to help you post to forums and blogs.

What is themaPoster?
themaPoster is a auto poster program which allows you to create new threads / reply to topics in forums and blogs. You can also create schedule for posting, post from .txt files and much more.

Screenshots (click on the image to enlarge):

More screenshots at: themaPoster - (home)

Website: themaPoster - (home)
Buy: themaPoster - (buy) (I accept Paypal, Payza (AlertPay), Webmoney, Skrill (MoneyBookers), Bitcoin, Litecoin, Paxum, Perfect Money, OkPay)

  • Reply to hundreds of your topics at the same time.
  • Create new threads in forums and blogs.
  • Send emails to any email address.
  • Tons of settings to make it work like you want.
  • Add unlimited number of topics / templates.
  • Group your topics for easier organizing.
  • Add unlimited number of forums / blogs.
  • Organize forums by categories and countries.
  • Major forum / blog types supported (phpBB, vBulletin, SMF, IP Board, myBB, DLE forum, DLE blog, Wordpress, Discuz, Discuz X, xenForo, fluxBB, Icy Phoenix, punBB, miniBB, Burning Board, phpWind, uCoz blog, Blogger [blogspot], Email).
  • Full BBCode editor integrated.
  • Smart login and retry system.
  • Preview your formatted message before sending.
  • Schedule your posts. Automatic posting at chosen time.
  • Incredibly fast. Post submitted within seconds.
  • Prefixes and icons fully supported.
  • See a progression of each post.
  • Random questions and captcha support.
  • Automatic captcha processing (antiGate, bypassCaptcha, deathByCaptcha).
  • DLE posting via admin control panel.
  • Templates finder to find all forum sections automatically.
  • Automatic detection of forum type and charset.
  • Multiple accounts support.
  • Fully documented and how to use explained in details.
  • Easy access to your topics by double clicking.
  • Request custom forums.
  • Shutdown the computer automatically when all schedule tasks are completed.
  • All languages supported (even Chinese, Russian, etc.).
  • Supports Windows, Linux and Mac (via wine).
  • Auto-posting from directory.
  • Use proxy when posting.
  • Check for dead sites.
  • Save message and post it as it was later.
  • User friendly and easy to use.
  • Posts list - save and organize your posts.
  • Banned hosts, custom replacements, special tags to make posting better.
  • Private messages automatic checker on forums and blogs.
  • Multiple language interfaces (Bulgarian, English, French, German, Russian, Spanish, Turkish).
  • Easy to select wanted topics / templates.

Current price: 30$ (software + free lifetime updates + 1 year of free usage).
Current price (second option): 35$ (for program + build-in forums).

First year usage is free. Pricing after one year is:
  • $3 per month or 30$ per year.
    • Extended for all thema programs which you use (themaPoster, themaManager, themaLeecher, themaRegister).
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themaManager / themaPoster / themaLeecher forums share the same users. If you already have user on one of them you can login with the same user on themaPoster forum.

Please report all problems / bugs regarding themaManager on themaPoster forum.

Newest updates (changelog) can be found here: themaPoster - (changelog)
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Yes. I am getting same error with planetsuzy.
Themamanager isn't working for planetsuzy either.....

Need emergency fix please freddy.

It seems planetsuzy added some kind of DDOS protection. Not sure if it's temporary or permanent.
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Please create a topic here: themaPoster • View forum - Forum's / blog problems and I will take a look (or fix it if it's really something that needs a fix).

Added after 30 minutes:

Fixed for next update (2.37).

Added after 1 Day:

Version 2.37 released.

Open (or wait a bit) 2.36 (or older) and press "Yes" when asked about the update to open the update page with all updating information.

  • Fixed Blogger. Had to make new type of login because Google's new services now always require to grant access via browser. Also it's no longer needed to have blogID in the URL when adding. You can just use main blog URL.
  • Added some basic message actions for schedule tasks: change user rank / description / tags / subject / prefix / subscribe. The same actions which were always available for "posts list", just missing in schedule.
  • Fixed few posting problems.
  • Added invert selection button for post's list tags.
  • Other small improvements and fixes.

For previous versions changelog: click here
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Please create a topic here: themaPoster • View forum - Forum's / blog problems and I will take a look (or fix it if it's really something that needs a fix).

Added after 30 minutes:

Fixed for next update (2.37).

Added after 1 Day:

Version 2.37 released.

Open (or wait a bit) 2.36 (or older) and press "Yes" when asked about the update to open the update page with all updating information.

  • Fixed Blogger. Had to make new type of login because Google's new services now always require to grant access via browser. Also it's no longer needed to have blogID in the URL when adding. You can just use main blog URL.
  • Added some basic message actions for schedule tasks: change user rank / description / tags / subject / prefix / subscribe. The same actions which were always available for "posts list", just missing in schedule.
  • Fixed few posting problems.
  • Added invert selection button for post's list tags.
  • Other small improvements and fixes.

For previous versions changelog: click here

when will come out the new update ?
I want to buy one.

themaPoster - (buy)

Also already answered PM and email.

No need to write in multiple places.

Added after 12 Days 3 Hours:

Version 2.38 released.

Open (or wait a bit) 2.37 (or older) and press "Yes" when asked about the update to open the update page with all updating information.

  • Fixed message preview window images loading when URL has https.
  • Improved a lot performance of showing captcha to consume less CPU (more than 2000% less).
  • Fixed few posting problems.
  • Added user rank column for posts list table. Hidden by default. Right click on any column to make visible if needed.
  • Fixed prefix matching from .txt file element.
  • Improved: daily post limit is now based per forum user.
  • Improved: flood delay is now based per forum user.
  • Improved multiple posts preview window. Posts are now displayed in the list (you can still use arrow keys to navigate). Window loads much faster (almost instantly). Also removed limits of how many posts can be previewed.
  • Added new setting in "CONFIG" -> "Other" -> "Automatically remove error / success files older than (in days)". Default 5 days.
  • Other small improvements and fixes.

For previous versions changelog: click here
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I want to buy one.

themaPoster - (buy)

Also already answered PM and email.

No need to write in multiple places.

Added after 12 Days 3 Hours:

Version 2.38 released.

Open (or wait a bit) 2.37 (or older) and press "Yes" when asked about the update to open the update page with all updating information.

  • Fixed message preview window images loading when URL has https.
  • Improved a lot performance of showing captcha to consume less CPU (more than 2000% less).
  • Fixed few posting problems.
  • Added user rank column for posts list table. Hidden by default. Right click on any column to make visible if needed.
  • Fixed prefix matching from .txt file element.
  • Improved: daily post limit is now based per forum user.
  • Improved: flood delay is now based per forum user.
  • Improved multiple posts preview window. Posts are now displayed in the list (you can still use arrow keys to navigate). Window loads much faster (almost instantly). Also removed limits of how many posts can be previewed.
  • Added new setting in "CONFIG" -> "Other" -> "Automatically remove error / success files older than (in days)". Default 5 days.
  • Other small improvements and fixes.

For previous versions changelog: click here

ОК, thanks. I will try. But paying by card directly on your website will be mcuh better ;)

I had that in the past. Just received too much scam and had to remove it.

Seems like using the services like Payza / Paypal and others reduces that.

Added after 6 Days 7 Hours:

Version 2.39 released.

Open (or wait a bit) 2.38 (or older) and press "Yes" when asked about the update to open the update page with all updating information.

  • Fixed
     inside [center] preview display problem.
    [*]Improvements to ReCaptcha (when Google account is saved).
    [*]Added [font], [left], [right] tags for BBCode to HTML conversion.
    [*]Added new setting in "CONFIG" -> "Captcha" -> for antiGate, "Use for random questions". Anti-Gate now support random questions as well. Disabled by default. Enable if needed.
    [*]Other small improvements and fixes.[/list]
    For previous versions changelog: [url=]click here[/url]
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many forums give error ( pllanetsuzy, fritchy , extreme-board etc ) : problems with page, read timeout , socket timeout exception

1. Make sure you're using the latest version which is currently is 2.39.

2. The problem is:

a. Forum's slow server. They failed to respond and timeout happened.
b. Your Internet connection. Your Internet connection can't handle the load.

How to solve:
1. Increase forum timeout setting in "CONFIG" -> on the left (don't set it too high, the higher it is the more time it will wait to respond even when it's completely forum's server's fault which forum's admin should fix).
2. Reduce the processes limit setting if still happens in "CONFIG" -> on the left.

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