Selling themaPoster - multi-poster, reply / create threads, schedule, lots of automation...


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themaPoster - software to help you post to forums and blogs.

What is themaPoster?
themaPoster is a auto poster program which allows you to create new threads / reply to topics in forums and blogs. You can also create schedule for posting, post from .txt files and much more.

Screenshots (click on the image to enlarge):

More screenshots at: themaPoster - (home)

Website: themaPoster - (home)
Buy: themaPoster - (buy) (I accept Paypal, Payza (AlertPay), Webmoney, Skrill (MoneyBookers), Bitcoin, Litecoin, Paxum, Perfect Money, OkPay)

  • Reply to hundreds of your topics at the same time.
  • Create new threads in forums and blogs.
  • Send emails to any email address.
  • Tons of settings to make it work like you want.
  • Add unlimited number of topics / templates.
  • Group your topics for easier organizing.
  • Add unlimited number of forums / blogs.
  • Organize forums by categories and countries.
  • Major forum / blog types supported (phpBB, vBulletin, SMF, IP Board, myBB, DLE forum, DLE blog, Wordpress, Discuz, Discuz X, xenForo, fluxBB, Icy Phoenix, punBB, miniBB, Burning Board, phpWind, uCoz blog, Blogger [blogspot], Email).
  • Full BBCode editor integrated.
  • Smart login and retry system.
  • Preview your formatted message before sending.
  • Schedule your posts. Automatic posting at chosen time.
  • Incredibly fast. Post submitted within seconds.
  • Prefixes and icons fully supported.
  • See a progression of each post.
  • Random questions and captcha support.
  • Automatic captcha processing (antiGate, bypassCaptcha, deathByCaptcha).
  • DLE posting via admin control panel.
  • Templates finder to find all forum sections automatically.
  • Automatic detection of forum type and charset.
  • Multiple accounts support.
  • Fully documented and how to use explained in details.
  • Easy access to your topics by double clicking.
  • Request custom forums.
  • Shutdown the computer automatically when all schedule tasks are completed.
  • All languages supported (even Chinese, Russian, etc.).
  • Supports Windows, Linux and Mac (via wine).
  • Auto-posting from directory.
  • Use proxy when posting.
  • Check for dead sites.
  • Save message and post it as it was later.
  • User friendly and easy to use.
  • Posts list - save and organize your posts.
  • Banned hosts, custom replacements, special tags to make posting better.
  • Private messages automatic checker on forums and blogs.
  • Multiple language interfaces (Bulgarian, English, French, German, Russian, Spanish, Turkish).
  • Easy to select wanted topics / templates.

Current price: 30$ (software + free lifetime updates + 1 year of free usage).
Current price (second option): 35$ (for program + build-in forums).

First year usage is free. Pricing after one year is:
  • $3 per month or 30$ per year.
    • Extended for all thema programs which you use (themaPoster, themaManager, themaLeecher, themaRegister).
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themaManager / themaPoster / themaLeecher forums share the same users. If you already have user on one of them you can login with the same user on themaPoster forum.

Please report all problems / bugs regarding themaManager on themaPoster forum.

Newest updates (changelog) can be found here: themaPoster - (changelog)
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PM sent... please reply... thanks


Added after 3 Days 9 Hours:

Some thoughts about Anti-Captcha service.

Using Anti-Captcha already?
* Good. I would appreciate a positive feedback in their website for themaPoster software.
You can post a review here: (must be logged in / "Reviews" tab).
Please note this is a software (themaPoster) review, not the Anti-Captcha service.
Just few words would be fine.

Not using Anti-captcha yet?
* Anti-captcha is a service which can solve captchas and random questions automatically so you won't need to enter them in program manually.
You can register here:

You can setup Anti-Captcha in themaPoster -> "CONFIG" -> "Auto-Captcha".
It was called AntiGate before, it's the first service there.
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Version 2.40 released.

Open (or wait a bit) 2.39 (or older) and press "Yes" when asked about the update to open the update page with all updating information.

  • Added quick preview for main message area (ALT+X).
  • Added few new quick time chooser buttons in time chooser dialog: +1 day, +5 minutes and +custom minutes.
  • Added setting "Skip post if user has private message in the forum." for individual forums in "FORUMS" -> "Other settings".
  • Improved topics editor to support more patterns when parsing from URL. More information:
  • Improved images displaying inside preview areas. Noticed that sometimes they are not fully shown.
  • Improved / fixed save to .txt file dialogs to automatically add .txt extension if wasn't entered.
  • Improved "Other settings" in "FORUMS" tab to show type specific settings only when that type is selected. Like settings only for DLE blog, Wordpress, phpBB 3.x, Discuz which were always visible even when selected type was different and had no effect.
  • Fixed few posting problems.
  • Fixed sending email when convert message to HTML setting is enabled.
  • Fixed updating user problem when users were added via "Forums" -> "Add user to selected forums". More information:
  • Removed from message preview window buttons to change background / text / links color. Pointless, just takes up space and memory.
  • Removed option to change "links" tag name in CONFIG" -> "Links tag". Pointless, just takes up space and memory. Reviewed all users who have changed this setting, there weren't a lot. Most of them entered unusable value which doesn't make sense. Seems to be more confusing than useful. Especially since links tag hosts were added in quite old past update and hosts can now be surrounded automatically. If you really need to change it you can still do it via general replacements, but I really doubt you actually need that (I don't recommended it).
  • Removed charset setting in "FORUMS" tab. Pointless and more confusing for basic user. Charset problems were solved long time ago and it's detected automatically fine. It's even updated on the fly if needed so that setting didn't had much effect anyway.
  • Other small improvements and fixes.

For previous versions changelog: click here
Version 2.41 released.

Open (or wait a bit) 2.40 (or older) and press "Yes" when asked about the update to open the update page with all updating information.

  • Added right click options for prefixes table to change multiple items at once: "Set prefix ID", "Set icon ID", "Clear".
  • Added 1 new build-in forum.
  • Fixed directory posting setting "Grab one file from each folder at a time". It was grabbing only one file overall (not from each folder).
  • Fixed few posting problems.
  • Fixed time choosing bug inside "interval posting window".
  • Fixed ReCaptcha to work without Google account saved (it still shows better / easier to read images with Google account saved).
  • Improved so that last selected category will be remembered and selected after restart in "FORUMS".
  • Other small improvements and fixes.

For previous versions changelog: click here
what is the idea of saving Google account?

With Google account saved ReCaptcha (which belongs to Google) shows easier to read images (usually few numbers instead of two word wavy letters).

Without Google account example:

With Google account saved example:

Of course if you use Anti-Captcha (AntiGate) it matters less, but the workers which solve those captchas for you would still be able to faster enter the answer and make less mistakes.
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I have problem. When I leech from a collection. There are notepad as below:


Is there any tools help me to export (seperate) to each post per each notepad file so that I can add them to themaposter? Thank you!
I have problem. When I leech from a collection. There are notepad as below:


Is there any tools help me to export (seperate) to each post per each notepad file so that I can add them to themaposter? Thank you!


you don't need any tool. themaPoster can do that.

In "CONFIG" -> "Directory posting" -> at the bottom, set the "Messages in .txt separator" -> press "Update" button.

Load that file in "Posts list":
Or use auto-create / auto-reply from .txt files features: /
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I have problem. When I leech from a collection. There are notepad as below:


Is there any tools help me to export (seperate) to each post per each notepad file so that I can add them to themaposter? Thank you!


you don't need any tool. themaPoster can do that.

In "CONFIG" -> "Directory posting" -> at the bottom, set the "Messages in .txt separator" -> press "Update" button.

Load that file in "Posts list": themaPoster - (FAQ)
Or use auto-create / auto-reply from .txt files features: themaPoster - (FAQ) / themaPoster - (FAQ)

Thank you for your answer!

I understand. Have a nice working day!
in some time we cant use this tool anymore. i asked u very long ago to put a automatic captcha reader like there are on the internet. now almost all sites gets captcha and with ur method we need to pay like 1 dollar for 1000 captcha. say we have 300 sites in our list, and post 50 posts, thats 15000 captcha, that will be like 450 dollar for captcha. what the heck? i know u need to earn something from this captcha services as u put only those services in thos tool, but this way we cant use this tool anymore.

i told u like 3 year ago about Captcha Sniper - Captcha Solving Software, u just pay 1 time and it will solve all captchas for u. why not use this? because u cant earn from it? yeah but now days all sites gets captchas.

i already stopped using themaposter and more people will soon do it too, please solve this problem
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in some time we cant use this tool anymore. i asked u very long ago to put a automatic captcha reader like there are on the internet. now almost all sites gets captcha and with ur method we need to pay like 1 dollar for 1000 captcha. say we have 300 sites in our list, and post 50 posts, thats 15000 captcha, that will be like 450 dollar for captcha. what the heck? i know u need to earn something from this captcha services as u put only those services in thos tool, but this way we cant use this tool anymore.

i told u like 3 year ago about Captcha Sniper - Captcha Solving Software, u just pay 1 time and it will solve all captchas for u. why not use this? because u cant earn from it? yeah but now days all sites gets captchas.

i already stopped using themaposter and more people will soon do it too, please solve this problem


most good forums don't even use captcha's because they care about their users. Forums with captchas are minority.

1$ for 1000 captchas is cheap. Most users don't even post so many posts per week (in those forums who have captchas).

Your calculations are wrong as well. 300 sites (most people don't even use so many, and you say that 300 use captchas which is also most likely incorrect), 50 posts, that's 300x50=15000 total posts 15000/1000=15$ (not 450, I don't even know how you came up with that number and again your statistics are even over exadurated, in reality it's much less).

I practically don't earn anything from auto-captcha services. They were added so that people won't need to enter captchas manually so your theory is just plain wrong.

I'm just one person, captchas was never a big issue because auto-captcha services are already supported and I prefer to work on more important things.

At the moment I support and update 5 different softwares (each day) and working on some new projects. I can't do everything at once.

I might add Captcha Sniper support in the future update (don't forget to at least donate then, because I'm working on all updates for free and free doesn't really pay me rent or buy food which I barely earn each month for).
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in some time we cant use this tool anymore. i asked u very long ago to put a automatic captcha reader like there are on the internet. now almost all sites gets captcha and with ur method we need to pay like 1 dollar for 1000 captcha. say we have 300 sites in our list, and post 50 posts, thats 15000 captcha, that will be like 450 dollar for captcha. what the heck? i know u need to earn something from this captcha services as u put only those services in thos tool, but this way we cant use this tool anymore.

i told u like 3 year ago about Captcha Sniper - Captcha Solving Software, u just pay 1 time and it will solve all captchas for u. why not use this? because u cant earn from it? yeah but now days all sites gets captchas.

i already stopped using themaposter and more people will soon do it too, please solve this problem


most good forums don't even use captcha's because they care about their users. Forums with captchas are minority.

1$ for 1000 captchas is cheap. Most users don't even post so many posts per week (in those forums who have captchas).

Your calculations are wrong as well. 300 sites (most people don't even use so many, and you say that 300 use captchas which is also most likely incorrect), 50 posts, that's 300x50=15000 total posts 15000/1000=15$ (not 450, I don't even know how you came up with that number and again your statistics are even over exadurated, in reality it's much less).

I practically don't earn anything from auto-captcha services. They were added so that people won't need to enter captchas manually so your theory is just plain wrong.

I'm just one person, captchas was never a big issue because auto-captcha services are already supported and I prefer to work on more important things.

At the moment I support and update 5 different softwares (each day) and working on some new projects. I can't do everything at once.

I might add Captcha Sniper support in the future update.

yes 15$ a day, thats still 450 dollar a month. me and some guys asked for this feature years ago, me even 3 years ago, look in ur own forum, but u dont put it.

100% of dle websites has captcha

sorry but i dont believe it anymore , u said now 3 years ago u will put it in the future, when is the future then? its been 3 years.

those services fails even with captchas, and let u pays for it.
How about countless of fixes / new features / improvements I added via couple dozens of updates over those years for totally free? The new softwares which I made? Answered like millions of questions via emails, PMs, various forums.

Seems like you're forgetting a whole lot.

As I said, that was never a priority.

Not all DLE blogs have captchas (again you're just saying things to say things which are not true).
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@wman5 Capcha Sniper is added in 2.42 [not available yet]. Use the buy button from the program to get a discount (-20$) and support me.

Important notes:
* Capcha Sniper solves captcha's in software level (no real humans) so error rate is much higher.

* It does not support all types of captchas.

* Some types of captcha success rate is very low (even quite popular) so you might see more errors when posting.

* Even it Capcha Sniper solves the captcha it might be incorrect so you will see error when posting (this is normal).

* I would still recommend to use Anti-Captcha (AntiGate) service as a fail-over if Capcha Sniper is not able to solve the captcha at all.

* Anti-Captcha (AntiGate) also has random questions support (since they use real life humans to answer them).

Added after 11 Days 2 Hours:

Version 2.42 released.

Open (or wait a bit) 2.41 (or older) and press "Yes" when asked about the update to open the update page with all updating information.

FAQ / Tutorials have been updated.

  • Added new setting in "CONFIG" -> "Directory posting" -> "Process folders in random order".
  • Added new right click option for topics and forums list "Copy URL".
  • Added "Captcha Sniper" support. More information in the FAQ.
  • Fixed images preview loading which had non-English characters in URL.
  • Fixed topic ID parsing from URL in some cases.
  • Fixed few posting problems.
  • Other small improvements and fixes.

For previous versions changelog: click here
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I know, I have a license which I dont use anymore. I dont want to post in my own thread, I want to post in someone elses thread which is required in some forums. and thats not possible with TP.
I know, I have a license which I dont use anymore. I dont want to post in my own thread, I want to post in someone elses thread which is required in some forums. and thats not possible with TP.

You can post replies in any thread (even not your own). You will just need to add that thread manually. Spaming in random threads is not allowed by forums though and you will get banned for that.

That requirement which you're talking only has like 0.1% of the forums and they show error if thread already exists. So you will see error in program and can make the post in right thread. Most serious posters just ignore those forums because they are waste of time (and time is money). There are many more forums / blogs without those stupid rules.

Hello freddy11,

Please check my PM.

I wait for an update. :)

Answered. No need to write in multiple places. Thanks :)
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