Selling themaPoster - multi-poster, reply / create threads, schedule, lots of automation...


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themaPoster - software to help you post to forums and blogs.

What is themaPoster?
themaPoster is a auto poster program which allows you to create new threads / reply to topics in forums and blogs. You can also create schedule for posting, post from .txt files and much more.

Screenshots (click on the image to enlarge):

More screenshots at: themaPoster - (home)

Website: themaPoster - (home)
Buy: themaPoster - (buy) (I accept Paypal, Payza (AlertPay), Webmoney, Skrill (MoneyBookers), Bitcoin, Litecoin, Paxum, Perfect Money, OkPay)

  • Reply to hundreds of your topics at the same time.
  • Create new threads in forums and blogs.
  • Send emails to any email address.
  • Tons of settings to make it work like you want.
  • Add unlimited number of topics / templates.
  • Group your topics for easier organizing.
  • Add unlimited number of forums / blogs.
  • Organize forums by categories and countries.
  • Major forum / blog types supported (phpBB, vBulletin, SMF, IP Board, myBB, DLE forum, DLE blog, Wordpress, Discuz, Discuz X, xenForo, fluxBB, Icy Phoenix, punBB, miniBB, Burning Board, phpWind, uCoz blog, Blogger [blogspot], Email).
  • Full BBCode editor integrated.
  • Smart login and retry system.
  • Preview your formatted message before sending.
  • Schedule your posts. Automatic posting at chosen time.
  • Incredibly fast. Post submitted within seconds.
  • Prefixes and icons fully supported.
  • See a progression of each post.
  • Random questions and captcha support.
  • Automatic captcha processing (antiGate, bypassCaptcha, deathByCaptcha).
  • DLE posting via admin control panel.
  • Templates finder to find all forum sections automatically.
  • Automatic detection of forum type and charset.
  • Multiple accounts support.
  • Fully documented and how to use explained in details.
  • Easy access to your topics by double clicking.
  • Request custom forums.
  • Shutdown the computer automatically when all schedule tasks are completed.
  • All languages supported (even Chinese, Russian, etc.).
  • Supports Windows, Linux and Mac (via wine).
  • Auto-posting from directory.
  • Use proxy when posting.
  • Check for dead sites.
  • Save message and post it as it was later.
  • User friendly and easy to use.
  • Posts list - save and organize your posts.
  • Banned hosts, custom replacements, special tags to make posting better.
  • Private messages automatic checker on forums and blogs.
  • Multiple language interfaces (Bulgarian, English, French, German, Russian, Spanish, Turkish).
  • Easy to select wanted topics / templates.

Current price: 30$ (software + free lifetime updates + 1 year of free usage).
Current price (second option): 35$ (for program + build-in forums).

First year usage is free. Pricing after one year is:
  • $3 per month or 30$ per year.
    • Extended for all thema programs which you use (themaPoster, themaManager, themaLeecher, themaRegister).
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themaManager / themaPoster / themaLeecher forums share the same users. If you already have user on one of them you can login with the same user on themaPoster forum.

Please report all problems / bugs regarding themaManager on themaPoster forum.

Newest updates (changelog) can be found here: themaPoster - (changelog)
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Hi Freddy

problem with new key
at start key work but second time this error appear

its my fault during converting file i also select userid file
thank you for help admin
templet not coming i tried many time
only section come but no templet id

Added after 8 minutes:

ok iam done its working now
let me try DLE spam error
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It's still no big improvement in new version....still missing link checker and topic edit, and you wont be able to post on all forums until you pay extra, all updates are NOT free as he claim.

If you look better through this forum you will find cheaper posters and with more useful actions.
I was expecting topic edit functionality but still I am 99% satisfied with this poster
paying extra for addon package is optional you can add those forums manually and its a petty 5$ that saves a lot of work
I switched to themaposter after those cheap posters out there who had promised free updates but changed their marketing strategies and started charging exorbitant amount for updates which almost equalled the initial investment
if anyone would complain against it they would justify it by saying that "you have gained a huge amount of money by using my tool and you owe me the update cost blah blah"
developers like freddy and others have to incur authentication server maintenance cost which can only be fetched from their users to keep the project alive but it should be nominal which everyone can afford
the reality is themaposter is almost 10 times faster than those cheaper alternatives available in the market
for me time is money so I always prefer themaposter
the amount of replies and views in this topic is itself an indicator of the popularity of this poster
It's still no big improvement in new version....still missing link checker and topic edit, and you wont be able to post on all forums until you pay extra, all updates are NOT free as he claim.

If you look better through this forum you will find cheaper posters and with more useful actions.


I never said it's will features update (of course I added something, some good stuff). I wanted to re-write everything to make it easier to develop in the future (and it is, much easier now).

The poster itself now woks much faster, the GUI is much more responsive and the performance increased by tons.

The new features will come as updates, but current version has a lot already. Maybe few are missing as you noted, but come on, I can mention at least 100 other things that others don't have :)

You can add all forums you want by yourself.

The build-in forums comes as separate package for some simple reasons:

  • Some people asked to remove the build-in forums (because there are adult forums).
  • I own two servers which needs to be paid.
  • After working days and nights I actually feel earned some extra support from old users. Keeping in mind that it's just 5$, which can be made in hours with the poster (and they probably already earned much more).
I don't know which ones cheaper posters you mean but there is cheaper and operational posters with those very important actions and works very fast if not faster than this one.

I see you're agreed that all updates are NOT free and 5$ is cheap but it is hidden cost and in earlier version build in forums were free and in new poster you have to pay for it or it be downgraded poster .

Price: 30$ + free lifetime updates.

Also this is false advertising 'cause updates are NOT free. This can result with warning or ban!
The update of the program is completely free.

Update of program means and built in forums cause you have that in previous version this is downgraded version cause user will lose more than he get from new version.

Changes you made are small and users can't get any real benefit from that, but you can.

This is more concerning in regard of your broken promise than in regard of 5$ cause next time you can say 'this feature is not part of program (nevertheless it was) you have to pay for it extra XX dollars' because you want to force people to pay.

Intentions is quite clear for me list of forums, that work as build-in forums will be longer with every new update and users will have to pay extra if they want to post there....

This slightly goes to be SCAM

If you are new costumer I don't recommends you to buy this poster!
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Update of program means and built in forums cause you have that in previous version this is downgraded version cause user will lose more than he get from new version.

Changes you made are small and users can't get any real benefit from that, but you can.

This is more concerning in regard of your broken promise than in regard of 5$ cause next time you can say 'this feature is not part of program (nevertheless it was) you have to pay for it extra XX dollars' because you want to force people to pay.

Intentions is quite clear for me list of forums, that work as build-in forums will be longer with every new update and users will have to pay extra if they want to post there....

This slightly goes to be SCAM

If you are new costumer I don't recommends you to buy this poster!

Dude anyways you dont own this software nor are you interested in buying it then why waste precious time in proving this guy a scammer.

First of all those forums can be added manually and there are hardly 5 forums which cannot be added manually.

Its upto you whether you want to spend an entire day in adding forums or paying a petty sum of $5 to get them instantly.

As indicated by Freddy the Update includes faster posting and better response from the GUI.

All I can say is Freddy is no Scammer and he has done what needed to be done in order to keep this project alive. I respect his decision of charging a nominal fee for an extra addon pack which I believe every user can afford.

Cheaper alternatives available in the Market will always be branded "CHEAP" in terms of functionality & speed.

Freddy does not need to compare his creation with the ones out there because his creation does not have a worthy competitor.
I just want to clarify his cheat about free updates and about that some forums works only as build in so he practically forcing people to pay extra 5$ (which he said that will be free of charge).

After working days and nights I actually feel earned some extra support from old users.

Man better don't say that because you're still far behind one poster that costs ~20 $ which has a numbers of important features you didn't include in new version and others features that are included in new version (such as template grabber/scanner as biggest improvement) you added 2 years after that poster which people often compares with themaposter.

It would be better that he removed java cause it often crashes especially when you use poster simultaneously with other java based application (Skype for example) which lead me to believe that his programing skills are not so great.

Believe me I would go on with all themaposters flaws to write on 10 pages but this new version is downgraded and it was too much for me.

Conclusion is the same : DON'T BUY IT

cause there is better posters for less money with biggest possibilities!

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