Selling themaPoster - multi-poster, reply / create threads, schedule, lots of automation...


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themaPoster - software to help you post to forums and blogs.

What is themaPoster?
themaPoster is a auto poster program which allows you to create new threads / reply to topics in forums and blogs. You can also create schedule for posting, post from .txt files and much more.

Screenshots (click on the image to enlarge):

More screenshots at: themaPoster - (home)

Website: themaPoster - (home)
Buy: themaPoster - (buy) (I accept Paypal, Payza (AlertPay), Webmoney, Skrill (MoneyBookers), Bitcoin, Litecoin, Paxum, Perfect Money, OkPay)

  • Reply to hundreds of your topics at the same time.
  • Create new threads in forums and blogs.
  • Send emails to any email address.
  • Tons of settings to make it work like you want.
  • Add unlimited number of topics / templates.
  • Group your topics for easier organizing.
  • Add unlimited number of forums / blogs.
  • Organize forums by categories and countries.
  • Major forum / blog types supported (phpBB, vBulletin, SMF, IP Board, myBB, DLE forum, DLE blog, Wordpress, Discuz, Discuz X, xenForo, fluxBB, Icy Phoenix, punBB, miniBB, Burning Board, phpWind, uCoz blog, Blogger [blogspot], Email).
  • Full BBCode editor integrated.
  • Smart login and retry system.
  • Preview your formatted message before sending.
  • Schedule your posts. Automatic posting at chosen time.
  • Incredibly fast. Post submitted within seconds.
  • Prefixes and icons fully supported.
  • See a progression of each post.
  • Random questions and captcha support.
  • Automatic captcha processing (antiGate, bypassCaptcha, deathByCaptcha).
  • DLE posting via admin control panel.
  • Templates finder to find all forum sections automatically.
  • Automatic detection of forum type and charset.
  • Multiple accounts support.
  • Fully documented and how to use explained in details.
  • Easy access to your topics by double clicking.
  • Request custom forums.
  • Shutdown the computer automatically when all schedule tasks are completed.
  • All languages supported (even Chinese, Russian, etc.).
  • Supports Windows, Linux and Mac (via wine).
  • Auto-posting from directory.
  • Use proxy when posting.
  • Check for dead sites.
  • Save message and post it as it was later.
  • User friendly and easy to use.
  • Posts list - save and organize your posts.
  • Banned hosts, custom replacements, special tags to make posting better.
  • Private messages automatic checker on forums and blogs.
  • Multiple language interfaces (Bulgarian, English, French, German, Russian, Spanish, Turkish).
  • Easy to select wanted topics / templates.

Current price: 30$ (software + free lifetime updates + 1 year of free usage).
Current price (second option): 35$ (for program + build-in forums).

First year usage is free. Pricing after one year is:
  • $3 per month or 30$ per year.
    • Extended for all thema programs which you use (themaPoster, themaManager, themaLeecher, themaRegister).
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themaManager / themaPoster / themaLeecher forums share the same users. If you already have user on one of them you can login with the same user on themaPoster forum.

Please report all problems / bugs regarding themaManager on themaPoster forum.

Newest updates (changelog) can be found here: themaPoster - (changelog)
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first of all if you are satisfied with the cheaper alternate they have their own thread you can brag about it in their thread
the cheaper alternative never had antigate and numerous other features which themaposter had ages ago
20$ is cheap no doubt but the next version will cost you around 15$ extra for an update hence its better to stick to themaposter
if you find the cheaper alternate to be better then I guess better stick to that one rather than come here everyday trying to manipulate potential buyers
let me tell you first that I was once the customer of that cheaper alternate and he banned me for comparing his creation with Freddy's creation
that guy is paranoid and will ban anyone else without refund who tries to compare his creation
but I am grateful that he banned me else I would never have thought of buying themaposter
I have purchased 3 license from Freddy and 3 Addon Packs as well and I am more than satisfied with his poster in terms of speed and functionality
I also use skype and themaposter never crashed for me of course its a bit heavy on RAM but the new version seems to be lighter
you are the only one who is complaining here
the other cheaper alternate does not even have selling permissions he wont allow you to sell it to someone if you are not satisfied whereas Freddy on the other hand has created an online system for the same
what I have learned from my experience is Freddy never disappoints ;)
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Pls tel me freddy updates is free or u take some charges so much confuse pls kindly tell me clearly mate and also if u take extra charges also mention so we can understand easily


from version 2 program costs 30$ (same as was before), build-in forums costs 5$ (which you can add manually if you want, it's optional package).

All updates to program and build-in forums (if you have them) are free.

Updated first post.
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the cheaper alternative never had antigate

antigate vs template grabber you decide what is more important it's easy choice!

And what about link checker, topic edit, cover grabber , topic grabber....etc

Don't get me wrong, I wish that thema has ALL that and even more significant features....and in regard of things that happens lately it will be same story : I worked hard night and days and I feel that I earned some extra income (no matter I'm breaking rules that I established) and want you to pay 5 , 10 or 15$ cause it's not part of program!!

First it's not about how long you worked, it's about what you did!
Don't make this poster poorer!

And it's not about 5$ it's about trust!
Don't beak rules that you established!
AntiGate, DeatchByCaptca, BypassCaptcha are all supported in version 2.
Templates finder was also added in version 2.

Please mention at least the features that only themaPoster have. Seems like you want to play one way game :)

Everything is part of the program. There are no planned add-ons, the prices are final. Of course I might have some giveaway and they might be lower then :) .

There was always support from my side, I answering tons of emails, posting in my forum, helping via teamviewer, making videos (daily tips video series is planned soon).
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I have owned copies of both the posters and in my opinion themaposter is the better one since its faster for me. I never needed template grabber, cover grabber and topic grabber because I edit them manually i.e I resize the covers so that they dont appear too large etc
link checker is useless for me as links will surely go dead and I post around 10 threads per day and each have around 4-5 mirrors and its impossible for me to re-upload the same
also link checker was extremely slow and never gave 100% results
regarding topic edit yes I wish thema had this feature
but due to themas missing feature of topic edit I seldom make mistakes while posting topics
also I would like to mention that amongst the old forums in v1.44 most of them were dead
Freddy has manually filtered the working ones which is a painstaking effort and I am more than willing to pay 5$ for his hard work since I had endured the same while adding forums manually
I would advise you first try thema and then post a valid comparison
I am sure you will switch sides after trying thema :)
This discussion is pointless and will take nowhere.

It's like comparing music tastes. I like trance and you like rock, does it matter? No really.

On the topic. 2.01 should be released tomorrow with some fixes which were left behind.

from version 2 program costs 30$ (same as was before), build-in forums costs 5$ (which you can add manually if you want, it's optional package).

All updates to program and build-in forums (if you have them) are free.

Updated first post.

You forget to write this

The following forums will only work from build-in:
And no , in previous version there was build in forum for free, now if you want them updated(offline ones removed and new ones added) you'll have to pay for it extra!

Well if you want to post on these forums you'll have to pay extra!

And don't be surprised if tomorrow in new update that list be much longer!

That's about free update and that's why I'm telling that this version is downgraded from previous one!
Ok, as I said I'm always want to help.

Let's do this. If are an old user (already had 1.44), then the build-in forums are free, but you're welcome to donate me 5$ (or more) on your own will. If you would like to get build-in forums just write me to If you already paid those 5$ and actually would like to get them back, please PM me your license key for version 2 and transaction details, will refund it.
According to me if u are asking for 5$ for build-in forums thats your right because i know it take too much time to add forums in it and it worth more then 5$ and its optional if some one dont like he/she doesnot force to buy it. I purchase these build-in forums and i dont need refund because u add effort in it its your right.
No need for that just leave build-in forums in v 2.01 if you want to show good will!

If you already have build-in forums for 2.00 then all updates to build-in forums are free. I never planned to remove any build-in forums on 2.01.

The build-in forums are actually on the server and I need to just enable them for each key separately. And you just need to restart the program to see them.
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According to me if u are asking for 5$ for build-in forums thats your right because i know it take too much time to add forums in it and it worth more then 5$ and its optional if some one dont like he/she doesnot force to buy it. I purchase these build-in forums and i dont need refund because u add effort in it its your right.
+ 1
AntiGate, DeatchByCaptca, BypassCaptcha are all supported in version 2.
Templates finder was also added in version 2.

Please mention at least the features that only themaPoster have. Seems like you want to play one way game :)

Everything is part of the program. There are no planned add-ons, the prices are final. Of course I might have some giveaway and they might be lower then :) .

There was always support from my side, I answering tons of emails, posting in my forum, helping via teamviewer, making videos (daily tips video series is planned soon).

I love you Freddy you are really helpful :)
It's even better , enable all forums for each user with 2.01 license.

why enable for each user??? at-least give him a little opportunity to earn !!

and you buy the software,not any templates..
and you should give respect to him that like other he has not change the name of the appz and bound user to buy new one :)
be happy with what you got~!!
He earned 10$ more than the alternative one , basically he earned 10$ extra from each sale.

And people who bragging here for buying numerous license and praise him, please donate even more to him , he need it, it's obvious!

Its best way to show your grateful, just words are not best way.

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