The Most reliable Hosts [EU]

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i want to wait another days until i see another game over's
and if it is worth then i signing up to a another still alived filehoster
with a affilate program
they are trying to pass ACTA in EU so everyone will still get f*cked. read below:

ACTA is the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement. A new intellectual property enforcement treaty being negotiated by the United States, the European Community, Switzerland, and Japan, with Australia, the Republic of Korea, New Zealand, Mexico, Jordan, Morocco, Singapore, the United Arab Emirates, and Canada recently announcing that they will join in as well.

Why should you care about ACTA? Initial reports indicate that the treaty will have a very broad scope and will involve new tools targeting “Internet distribution and information technology.”

What is the goal of ACTA? Reportedly the goal is to create new legal standards of intellectual property enforcement, as well as increased international cooperation, an example of which would be an increase in information sharing between signatory countries’ law enforcement agencies.

I don't see the point of using EU or any "allied" servers. Any country that has an extradition treaty with the U.S. is prone to international indictments. Therefore, Netload for example whose servers are in Germany, can still be liable for FBI prosecutions. These EU filehost owners know they are not immune to American laws. They [EU filehosts] will delete you and your files when shit hits the fan!

China, is a different story. Their network infrastructure is getting better and better. They also have a lot of filehosts that don't give a shit what they host (well, except pr0n. Pr0n is a BIG NO-NO). They also have pretty good affiliate programs. Check out However, because this is China where REAL scams (not the same definition as what WJ users claim :P ) freely roam around with very few prosecutions. The police could be in bed with the criminals!
^So From Where File Comes From? LOL
Actually it looks like you don't know what you are talking about :facepalm:

Files? (I think you mean scene stuff) don't come from torrents, only crap p2pshit comes from torrents. Most p2p grps are stealing scene stuff and editing just some unimportant things. And, I don't mean all p2p groups. I respect groups like SiC etc.
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