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  1. L -PPS 55% of Sale+Rebill , PPD Upto 30$ per 1000 downloads!

    most welcome filegage here in this forum
  2. L

    Filevelocity, anyone?

    plz show your payout screen shot
  3. L

    US$40 per 1000 downloads :

    yeah i am also waiting for payment proof
  4. L

    hello sir i want to start work on your site can u plz give me a premium accont for one month plz plz

    hello sir i want to start work on your site can u plz give me a premium accont for one month plz plz
  5. L

    FiberUpload: No support/Thread Closed

    what the hell is this it is not uploading yet now i tries from last 6 days but not uploading any single file kindly set the uploading issue or other wise we are not intrested to work on your file host
  6. L

    FiberUpload: No support/Thread Closed

    hello dear sir i try to upload from last night but it didnot upload yet sir kindly fix it hurry i need to work
  7. L - up to 360 u$s 1000 downloads!

    please enter pakistan in tier 3
  8. L earn 40$ for 1000 dl's

    annyyyy payout reports can any one send here payout screen shot i want to try it
  9. L

    FiberUpload: No support/Thread Closed

    yeah man thats gud rates but whats the guarantee of payouts
  10. L$35 per 1000 downloads (All countries paid!) - 25% from sales/refers

    att lassts gamnes over 10 upload run like a jerry
  11. L

    want to register but i have no idea help me!!

    ok thanx for the help and can they will guide me as well as i want to make my site a shariing forum and help to edit me me and give me free monthly server plz reply me
  12. L

    want to register but i have no idea help me!!

    want to register but i have no idea help me!! last day i created a website domain name and try to register for free or in less rate i can pay only thrugh alertpay that is the only one option i have can any body tell me how i can register in free or in less rate like...
  13. L

    The Official Alertpay Support Thread

    hello dear sir and alertpay i need debit card that have launched last days and need it but they reqiured pasport or driving license but i hve not both of this may i order by simple cnic image of my self
  14. L - Up to $40 per 1000 downloads or 65% PPS (All countries paid!)

    please add the 250 gb space fro the free user then some body come to your host and make 15 $ minimum payout kindly otherwise you cannot do any thing my suggetion is this so see your mind what it say because every body seeking for new and gud filehosting
  15. L

    The Most reliable Hosts [EU]

    yeah i m geting it