Terafile.co / upload and earn – we do the rest! / Official support thread.

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Yes download and upload speed is very very low :)

1. Unfortunately, we can't increase the download speed for free users because many webmasters will work on "PPS" tariff.
2. I just checked uploading speed via FTP and here my results:

upload speed is great; just that the download speed is right now @ 50KBPS, when I want to change it say I need a website to make it 100kbps; I don't seem to get that point of view. If you can make it 150kbps at least you will get more users.

Hello WJ users!

We are happy to announce our October promo which will last till the end of the month. All PPS affiliates will receive 80% from Premium sales and 15% from domain sales. Don't miss a fantastic offer.
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