Streamin.To - Video Hosting | Earn up to $45/10k | Monthly Contests

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what disappoint me here maybe because they never tell us what exactly happened and till when exactly we have to wait
i hope matt can clarify and tell us the exact date the payment will sent
"Last Activity: 3rd May 2017 06:05 PM"
Good job on taking care of your business man... I've never heard of payment processor which requires more than a week to verify documents (it usually takes 1-3 days FYI)...
Something is wrong but I say wait a little .... I hope it was not all a lie with that payment processor and yet it has problems ... logic is that the ads are active so the money he makes, so Matt I say to be more detailed in everything you say and what you do , that people are already upset and disappointed! When I get paid I will start working again!
Hi everyone. Someone spoke about trust, well trust works both ways. If you don't trust people who work for you, you keep them blind and give no informations about payment delays, so they will continue working for you, for some time and making money, trusting and believing that one day you will pay them. We've seen this before too many times. And as several people mentioned, changing or adding new payment processors doesn't affect managing current payments. (Again, I am having these horrible vodlocker, vidbull flashbacks.) So I have pending payments since April 11th. Every week or two I send another reques and it looks like skipped 4 payment deadlines so far. That's not a couple of days delay, that's not week or two of delay. From what I've read on this forum, I can tell that for most people it's been like 2 months and more. I already stopped uploading to and I am waiting for my money plus some reasonable explanations from admin.
Update: Still waiting for them to verify documentation. I've increased rates by 25% until I can get payments processed. If it takes too long I'll switch back to the old processor, as I know you guys have been waiting patiently.

he doesnt sound like he's scamming us, but he wud want to come online and update us on the latest
Scam ?

No payment. Scam ?

[TABLE="class: tbl1"]

[via paypal][user:ajerkoniak]
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We've seen this before too many times. And as several people mentioned, changing or adding new payment processors doesn't affect managing current payments. (Again, I am having these horrible vodlocker, vidbull flashbacks.)

No kidding on Vodlocker and Vidbull. That's hard to forget. I already had go down this week quite unceremoniously, leaving owing me (and presumably others) money. I hope Streamin will be fine. At least there should be some update. And I mean a real update, not excuses. Oh, and Nosvideo disappeared too a week or so ago. With my money of course. Although probably no one else's as no one else used it but me I don't think LOL.
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Would you all guys like to consider that he has been here for four years?
He always payed, late or not. Life can go to shit in seconds, maybe he can't even be online right now.
Stop acting and spamming scam like manchilds, and wait till he sort things out. He always sorts it out.

Some of you are really sad, one guy is spamming only SCAM for past 50 pages or more, then he gets paid, everything is cool, and then spams it again on any delay.
Pathetic :whistling:
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Some of you keep saying that has been around for years. Well, the hosts mentioned by young_golem have been around for several years as well and they went down. Nothing lasts forever. Horrible hosting services appear every day and every day they go down, cause people who start them hope for fast and easy money. Reality is different, running file hosting service is a piece of hard work and it's time consuming as well. Again, I truly hope, that has temporary problems and we will get paid soon. I'm just being realist. I lost too much money recently cause of such shady hosts as yourvidehost and 2 other websites they run. These are real scammers. That's why I became extra careful and in case of serious payment delays I simply stop uploading to host that ows me money. Also I remove such services from my websites. One more thing. The truth is, that most users have no idea that this forum exist, so they keep waiting for money having no clue what's wrong with streamin, cause simply there's no information about delays on website. And Im glad, that people keep posting here, cause this is the only way we can find out anything.
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there has being plenty of times has not being online here for days....... does'nt make it suspicious, we all know the story, he told us already, and id say hes still not sorted with new payment prcoessor, thats probably why he wont come on here.....cause he will just have to post then same story again
My friend, you do not know anything at all. I have spoken to the owner of an online server and that is a lie. Did you know that charges advertising money on Mondays and Fridays? . Do you remember He paid late also until he was ruined. if it is true that you have always paid late but was making payments, how many payments have you made for 30 days Last? Answer none. Ask yourself why rates have risen? Will not it be for people to upload files like crazy to and leave with the money? I'll tell you one thing I've been taking for many years in this, you've lost your money, everything is over in this life. If you do not realize what there is, you are not very intelligent or afraid to think that you will not pay, but friend is what there is.
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