streamin when i can ask for premium?how many views i need to collect to give me premium?
You have to wait, they'll encode like that do me!FPT upload sussesful but not encode, my files uploaded over 2 hours
streamin when i can ask for premium?how many views i need to collect to give me premium?
What's your username?
Update: Still waiting for them to verify documentation. I've increased rates by 25% until I can get payments processed. If it takes too long I'll switch back to the old processor, as I know you guys have been waiting patiently.
Streamin has exceeded their stored private messages quota and cannot accept further messages until they clear some space.
Hello Matt, you can pay me half the payment, I need to pay the internet if I do not pay today or tomorrow I get a surcharge of 20 euros
user: elcazador312
need 80 $
What's wrong with wanting $80 to pay his bills ????? Not everyone has thousands pending ,
Exactly. I've been waiting since end of March and every 2 weeks I just keep adding another request. No money received so far. The fact is that stopped paying people and working on new payment system has nothing to do with dealing with pending payments. Besides admin didn't inform users about such issues. There's no proper info on their website and I can't recall receiving email with notification about payment problems. Again guys, you had plenty of time to fix your stuff. So here's what I do. As an owner of several websites I blocked your hosting service on my sites and linkers won't be able to add any links, also old links will be removed. Things will remain this way, until we get paid.Since the 1st of April all the way to the 30th of April, I believe was plenty of time to figure out the payment system and i cannot grasp in my head why this situation is happening now since it is 1 month and 3 days since the last payment was sent out.