Selling /Complete Sale

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Active Member
Dear Webmaster/ Potential Buyer.

Me Startech (Michael Owen) started Startech hosting about 2 months ago and went advertising for it on several forums


Today we have 46 Active Clients (46 active hosting account)

Revenue of this 46 Clients :

We get about 1 new order a Day

Expenses are only about 36$/month

Server uptime regarding to

Server info : is hosted on a 4GB RAM VPS
in - co-operation with the current hsot it's hosted with YOU can choose what other specs you would like (BW & Space)

Website statistics and alexa rank :



we are listed in over 100 directories.

Our Wjunction Topic with tons of good reviews (improving sales) :

our website customized skin :
Proof Of Ownership :

Reason of selling :
i will be going on worldtrip this summer and i have no time to keep up with the orders/support of the website.

Rules Of this sale:

-Buyer has to be kinda trusted on wjunction.
-Payment will be send as gift
-you provide screenshots of you paying the required amount.
-we keep in touch.

Starting Price :
-200$ USD
Bid Increments : 10$ USD

If you the new owner are worth being a webhosting webmaster and you keep the statistic up of 1 new order a day .. in a month you will have a 160$ monthly revenue + all other cycle revenues.

Topic Rules :
-No Trollin
-No Off-Topic talk
-Bid only if you really want it.
-Questions VIA PM

If you were looking to start a bussiness this is a great opportunity for you .. you safe yourself from the difficult starting up.

Kind Regards,
Michael Owen
People should note that your template is worth $20 and is extremely common.
and because of that, I wouldn't pay $200.

If you were selling it for less, then I would probably go for it.
People should note that your template is worth $20 and is extremely common.
and because of that, I wouldn't pay $200.

If you were selling it for less, then I would probably go for it.

It's nto about the template it's about the revenue you get .. with this client situation you got your 200 back i n3 months.
and if everythign goes well .. you'll receive 1 order a day so it can only grow.
@ so19

The template doesnt matter, He has an actual profitable company that has room to expand its service that is what matters :)

Could luck my friend :)
if i had time left i would help you until you're back mate, but im so busy with MafiaHost. anyway goodluck with this deal and goodluck with your trip. lol.
I really didnt see this coming. MrP gone, and now you im not sure which host to flip to which offered a cheap price, god reviews and great uptime. lol

Good luck on your sale, however id like to point out you said you get about 1 new customer/day which is true but not true. You havent been up long enough to really know that :D
Hmm I don't get it though, you host 46 clients on 1 VPS? And how is it profitable, you earn $110 a month but with all the costs the profit is 0?
Yeah but like, how can it run on a $36 VPS in the first place? 46 customers.. oversell ftw? You should at least have a dedicated for 46 customers..
would have bought because I am starting out my own again, however not worth it because as said you shouldn't be running on vps :|
exactly coop. got hosting for e-vids, site took 5 seconds to load an empty page with like 2 images

Bullshit surfing you website loads in less than a second here.

Btw people if the service would be bad .. the topic wouldnt be full of good reviews.

As i said it's hosted with a good host and you have power about your specifications.

would have bought because I am starting out my own again, however not worth it because as said you shouldn't be running on vps :|

IT runs perfectly on a vps. ;) i know what i'm talking about.

There is even space for growth. CPu load is always under 1 and memory usage always under 12-13%.

So don't tell me it ain't good ;)
Wait so how much is the server a month?

And sorry, but it's not worth 200.

I bid 100 since there's no guarantee any of your customers will stay with you.
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