SONIFILES.COM - Up To 70% per sale - 50% Rebills Lifetime - Up To 50$ 10K DL - Daily

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Hello WJ Users,

Introducing soniFiles a new file sharing site. Offering amazing (PPD) Pay Per Download rates and great referral rewards, up to 10% of their earnings.
Custom design made for easy navigation and high performance.

soniFiles Features:

- Upload Up To 5GB
- 100 GB Free Storage
- Legal Adult content Allowed
- Up to 500KB/s Speed (Free Users) Up to 1MB/s Speed (Registred Users)
- No Annoying ADS
- New
z-o-o-m uploader

soniFiles GO Premium:

for uploaders
- Upload Up To 3GB
- 5TB Storage (all uploaders who need more space please contact me we will expand your storage)
- Unlimited Uploads
- Unlimited Bandwidth

for downloaders
- Unlimited Speed
- No waiting time, No ads , No captcha
- Direct Download
- Resume downloads andmany more
- Unlimited Traffic
- No downloads limit
- No Limit At All

Affilliate Program:

- PPD (Pay Per Download).
- Up to 50$ for 10,000 Downloads.
- 70% for every sale and 50% for every rebills.
- More info (
- Minimum Payout 5$.
- Payouts: PayPal , Payza, Payoneer , Webmoney,BTC,Skrill

Payments are made within 48hours from the time of requesting. (It could take more time if we suspect illegal activity)

Email and Skype support .
Skype: soni.files
If you have any questions or concerns feel free to contact us via Email or Skype .
We look forward to having you on board.

soniFiles - Join Now!
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welcome to WJ,
50 $ for 10000 download is too bad i suggest 40 $ or 35 $ for 1000 DOWNLOAD

- download count per ip ?
- free user download?
- time between download?
also for premium 1 TB is too slow for uploader who share a big file size(like movies 1080 HD)
also you force user to disable adblock that not good ,mean you make lot advertise on your website!!!

user:ad-team (upgrade me)
good luck an hope to change this request
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we will

welcome to WJ,
50 $ for 10000 download is too bad i suggest 40 $ or 35 $ for 1000 DOWNLOAD

- download count per ip ?
- free user download?
- time between download?
also for premium 1 TB is too slow for uploader who share a big file size(like movies 1080 HD)
also you force user to disable adblock that not good ,mean you make lot advertise on your website!!!

user:ad-team (upgrade me)
good luck an hope to change this request

- Our speed is Unlimited for all users so we will do it in future if it's necessary.
- We count up to 5 downloads for IP/24h
- Guest have 40/s between downloads - free users just 20/s
- For Premium we have 1 TB for start , if any of premium user wants more storage we can provide Unlimited Storage
- Users are forced to disable adblock because we dont have annoying advertisment.

We are not giving free upgrades for now , Just trial (2 Days)

Thank you

Added after 2 minutes:

first thing moves Brazil to level 3 at least according to how long the live files without downloads or viewing?

We will investigate traffic from Brazil , we will get to you if we decide to move it on tier 3.
For now rates are untouchable.

Thank you
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will not move Brazil to level 3? and where I follow the encoding of videos?

Like I said we will investigate traffic from Brazil first then we ill move it .
We are not encoding videos for now , we are based on file hosting , later on if user are using soniFiles for streaming also we will provide and video encoding.

Thank you
- ftp not supported for now
-zoom uploader also
can you resolve one of this
about upgrade i need only more space (2 days premium),you can desactivate premium but i need just more space 1 TB or more in the next days
upload tested very slow

see this


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Zoom uploader will be on next release.
We will upgrade storage if we your files will be active. For now I think 500GB is enough

It seems to be fine here!
Can you check your speed connection please ?
Thank you
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Can you PM us or contact via email or skype please.
I'm testing few different destinations and again speed seems to be okay to me .
Thank you
welcome to wj...

i want to try ur host...but

as u r new host...i request u to set minimum payout 2$

after u survived for 6-8 months u can change it

i want to play safe....i've seen many many hosts in the past
[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]50 $ for 10000 download is too bad i suggest 40 $ or 35 $ for 1000 DOWNLOAD [/FONT]

Hello @Sunny23
We are offering unlimited speed for all users , we have just few differences between premium and free accounts, also we count all file sizes same so far, so for that we think for now is better that rates we have.
Everyone wants more and more but we are going to take it quietly, we may chnage this on future
Thank You

Added after 4 minutes:

welcome to wj...

i want to try ur host...but

as u r new host...i request u to set minimum payout 2$

after u survived for 6-8 months u can change it

i want to play safe....i've seen many many hosts in the past

10$ payouts is fair enough thought, but like you said we are new host , we need to be trustable so we are going to change payout to 5$ .

Thank you
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ok let make it fair. lets do 25 for 1k download. What do you think? add more ads you like just make sure there not the fake viruses ads.

Added after 1:

if that don't work get rid of the ad blocker thing

[h=3]WELCOME![/h][h=1]It looks like you're using an ad blocker. That's okay. Who doesn't?[/h]
But without advertising-income, we can't keep making this site awesome.
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ok let make it fair. lets do 25 for 1k download. What do you think? add more ads you like just make sure there not the fake viruses ads.

Added after 1:

if that don't work get rid of the ad blocker thing


It looks like you're using an ad blocker. That's okay. Who doesn't?

But without advertising-income, we can't keep making this site awesome.

Hi ,
We are trying to keep our site clean from ads as much we can . Adding more ads will be more rsik for everyone. "Who want a site full of ads!?" , because of clean ads we are using we add adblocker ,
For now we can't change nothing on our rates


Added after 2 minutes:

if possible pls move Saudi Arabia,United Arab Emirates,Qatar,Pakistan,Bangladesh to Third Tier

We are thinking of moving United Arab Emirates to Third Tier , for other I'll have a look on ads rates and we can see what we can do ,

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keep ur site simple....

lot of animations,flash files makes ur site loading very slow

u r allowing adult content

ur homepage image something i don't like it all.... pls change it...its irrelevant of ur filehost and content
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starting work with you from today

id is indiagreat32

Added after 34 minutes:

now got 9 downloads but earning nothing why?
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keep ur site simple....

lot of animations,flash files makes ur site loading very slow

u r allowing adult content

ur homepage image something i don't like it all.... pls change it...its irrelevant of ur filehost and content

that is our goal , simplicity

our site is loading slow !?
yeah we allow adult because that is what most of uploaders want.
our homepage image is just simple image but we will look through it and change it .

Added after 1:


starting work with you from today

id is indiagreat32

Added after 34 minutes:

now got 9 downloads but earning nothing why?

Hi ,
Thank you for using us ,
Have you chnage your profit method at Profile ,
if not change it to PPD , PPS or MIX .
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