How play my file (video)?
at third download page you have Watch Now button at bottom of page
waiting for ftp option or zoom
thanks friend
zoom will be next release , ftp will be soon
Added after 1:
Starting work with you from today but cannot select PPD
I Like This Payments made within 48hours from the time of requesting
If you still can't select PPD give us your username we will do it for you
whats minimum file size for earnings ?
5 MB
Added after 2 minutes:
We are not having embed code for now we will make it aviliable after we'll add new function like video converter , ftp etc , for now we are mostly file hosting site .
90 Days after last download for Free Users ,
Never For Premium User
Added after 3 minutes:

i was planning to upload dozen of series video but when i check it has waiting time and captcha :facepalm: it will make the downloaders annoyed. the force disable ad blocker its fine:P
You can still upload dozen of videos ,
We have 30s for non user and 15s for free users , that's is fair enough because we are not having annoying ads , or many pop up/downs ads plus captcha is so easy to solve .
Means user have so simple and friendly 3 downloads page,
Added after 2 Hours 35 minutes:
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Our site may have downtime today due to servers replacment.
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