SharpLeech Source Code.

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I'm tired of it. "It" being this whole thing called the scene. I've been actively contributing to the scene mainly through my client side programming knowledge. However the joy and fun I once had by doing so is gone. And for some reason I've been getting this feeling that in the end all I'm doing is wasting my time. For that reason (and other personal ones) I think its time for other people to take my place (which ever that may be) while I fade out of the picture.

Enough of the drama. For that reason I'm playing with the idea of getting rid of some of my work. Either by selling it or deleting the source codes and backups of it. That is the reason of this thread. I want to know if people here would be interested in such a sale.

So, if i sold the SharpLeech source code, would you bid on it?
Hyperz - Think about what you are doing.. you're ready to give up on the things you've worked hard on just over a decision on a website you are a part of. This change is for the better, with everyones support we can pull it off.

Just think about it.

Jamie thanks for the support but please don't link this to InWarez as what is going on there has had little effect on this decision. Though I'll admit it has pushed it somewhat. After all SL was made on and for IW at the time.

Edit: the very fact that there has been no update released for the program in months is the reason i stated in the top post. So as you can see this has been going on for some time now.
I know you say that inwarez isn't linked to this but don't you understand that If this merge goes ahead - it will still be inwarez, still have the same community and the same owners, just a new name.

Like a family moving house - Same people, new place
I do understand. And for that reason I could move to any other of the 1000's of "homes" out there. I'll just stick to WJ and my own little home C-P. Now, back ontopic please thanks :).
Thanks, but for what do you need me? By the way, this isn't a goodbye or something of that nature. It just means that on some level I'll "retire".
Just wanted to i loved SharpLeech.. i think personally you should release it to a few of the best coders on the scene, who can carry on its task. :'(:)):D<3
When you got a few 100 people using it it becomes a responsibility. Making it open source would mean some idiots would backdoor it and recompile it. For users safety I decided not to make it open source.

And thanks wildfire :).
Bad idea ply, All I would suggest is not to sell the SharpLeech source code, just leave it how it is. You MAY regret it.
I'm not even sure what your website is about. I've been on these forums only for a short time, however I still wouldn't "sell" your code, especially with all the noobs and scammers out there.

Keep it unique!
Thanks for the opinions. @ Switchblade, its not about a website but a program:
I'm the only person who has written it.

But I think I can conclude from this thread that selling isn't the right option. And since I don't know any other (let alone trustworthy) C# programmer I think all that's left for the program is a slow death.
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