SharpLeech Source Code.

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Ah thanks for the update haha.

Yanno I wouldn't just quit. Take a break for a bit, you never know when the passion might come back.

Breaks from things are usually a good thing, so the program could still live on.

But in all reality, how far away is it from being "complete" and out of "beta"?
Hyperz, I'm not familiar with the forum scene backend too much, but here are some other options, other than "selling" your source code:

1. What will selling it get you? A couple dollars? For what? For not having to develop it any more? Forget about selling -- you'll regret it.

2. Why not perfect it, monetize it (for both you, and the end user) and release it with a free license? There are ways of doing so. You'd still be developing it, but it'll be paying for your house this way (or sports car, or whatever you like). PM me if you need ideas!
you should add new options , and make it anti sandboxie , etc... And make HID , that only 1 copy one person can have... And price like 200$ , that's the best you can Hyperz. We all need money , There is no knowledge that is not power...
Well, firstly I made this program to compete with iLeech at the time because I thought that asking money for a program such as iLeech was a ripoff ($20 or something). So SharpLeech was meant to be (and it is) free, better and faster. So because its free I never bothered with licenses and there is no need to add protection to it.

@ splitice:
When people first read about C in the good ol' days they though it was shit to and they would never throw away ASM for it. You know what happened don't you? C++ is about 1-2% faster in runtime than C#. But C# requires a lot less code to do the same thing. Its much more easier to maintain and unlike C++ it is truly OOP (not just a OOP layer upon the C language). Where C++ was an update to C C# is a completely new language written from the ground up for todays needs. Both C and C++ were made popular when everyone was still writting commands in their DOS envoirement...

Make no mistake about it, C# is becomming more popular and in many ways better than C++. And MS is pushing it and everything else related to the .NET Framework.
For people who want to know more about the program Hawk had written an exelent article on it in the WJ newsletter some time back:

If you don't have Office/Word there is a (shitty, lower quality) online version of it here:
I agree with Hyperz. Why would anyone want to code 100+ lines for just a simple GUI, when you can do it in ten. C# is really good, and no doubt MS is putting lot of efforts on it.
Thanks mate ur Tool is Great Plus Great of respect from Me.DOnt make it Open source some fools will use it to steal other peoples username and passwords. I would love if it could have been modular such that non sensitive areas could have been opensourced... Please open a page for the tool at Sourceforge
lastly u have Lots of respect from Me
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