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i uploader i have plan ppd. what now?

We'll inform everyone about PPD recrutation soon.

for payment only paypal?

We're paying out via Paypal and Payza. Webmoney and CashU will be integrated really soon!

I uploaded this file as a test to check out the service

when i hit the free download button, nothing happen where is the download link ?

you haveway too many add that confuse people to hit the wrong download button, please fix.

It's working right now. We're integrating Webmoney and CashU so sometimes few functions can not work but we're trying to do all works as fast as possible.

Thanks for Payment . Ah upload speed doesn't work

No problem, thanks for using our services. Upload was not working because of our works on site. It works now.

Hello, what is your legal registered business name and in what state, country, province etc. is it registered with? I'd like to look up your entity to see your legitimacy as a business.

If this info is not provided it is assumed your business isn't legal which IMO should be a prerequisite in order to create an advertising/support thread at WJunction.


You could just check Domain registration details. Also we'll get SSL EV soon so it's the best proof about our legality.

no reply to mail from 3 days ???? where are u sharingmaster ????

If we're not replying maybe your mail was not delivered or something - use Private Message here then.

Best regards,
Well technically domain registration is just registering a website. I was asking for where you actually have your business registered. Like the paperwork you have to file with gov/state to be a legal business, pay taxes etc.
I am interested in trying you? Why? Because the last PPD I tried decided that I had to join as a Premium member to get paid. So I had to pay them money to work for them and bring their revenue to them. It's like mowing a lawn for someone and paying them a fee in order to get paid for my work. Actually it's worse. Because uploaders are the people who make money for the file sharing services in the first place.

And then if that wasn't enough, then they decided to charge a fee to send money via paypal. 16%.

So if you do not make me pay in order to do all of the work that brings you revenue, and you don't charge me yet another fee to receive my payment for the work that I have done, then I am interested in your PPD plan. If this works out I will love you forever and I will throw palm leaves at your feet.
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