- PPS (up to 75%)

Which earning plan would you like to use?

  • PPD - 100% of Downloads & 25% of Sales

    Votes: 51 62.2%
  • PPS - 25% of Downloads & 60% of Sales

    Votes: 16 19.5%
  • MIX - 60% of Downloads & 40% of Sales

    Votes: 15 18.3%

  • Total voters
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Hello everyone, I must say that I am working very well with this filehosting, earnings are discrete uncertain whether the gains would lead to Italy at $ 3 would be great but even so we say that the gains are due thx SharingMaster
ya,very good this host 2013-07-09 $17.93 PENDING webmoney problem didn't solve 1 month,I remmeber he told to me give they 24-48 hour to fix,hahahahah now?1 month already,nice host never seen.not honest,advise user beware and wjunction here have many good honest ppd and pps host.
Hello everyone, I must say that I am working very well with this filehosting, earnings are discrete uncertain whether the gains would lead to Italy at $ 3 would be great but even so we say that the gains are due thx SharingMaster
Thank you, we will consider raising rates for all tiers.
thank you for your kind reply :sun:
any news about adult uploads ??
You can upload adult content, it is allowed right now.
ya,very good this host 2013-07-09 $17.93 PENDING webmoney problem didn't solve 1 month,I remmeber he told to me give they 24-48 hour to fix,hahahahah now?1 month already,nice host never seen.not honest,advise user beware and wjunction here have many good honest ppd and pps host.
We are doing our best to solve WebMoney problem, right now we are paying out all others payment systems and only WMZ is in hold. You will be paid as soon as possible.Best regards,
thanks for the service that you give us, but I have two points I would like you changed the first, and that after 90 days that the files are not downloaded them off is this is not a good thing for us uploader, the second and hope you recomputed soon download prices for the various tires are too low so thank you, for the rest of this filehosting and perfect and very beautiful graphics
Hello,I would like to inform you that our problems with WMZ payouts has been fixed. All pending payouts will be paid very soon.Best regards,
Hello,there is small queue with WebMoney payments, we are doing our best to pay out everyone as soon as possible. Also we would like to announce that we have added Paysafecard as Premium purchase option. It has standard PPS percentage for all affiliates.Best regards,
Hello!We have paid all pending WebMoney payouts and from now we do not expect any problems in this method in the future.Best regards,
what happen? I try request payout but the page say "Not enough money"
I have $10

There is a field:

"Request payout: " you need to put there amount (e.g 10) or (10.51) etc. then click "Request payout" button.

sharing master last online 7th of aug if his not online by monday ill report thread
I am monitoring this thread few times a day and you tell me I was last time online on 7th? You can easy report the thread if you have nothing other to do in your life. What do I need to say if there are no site related questions for a bit of time?

Works someone here? What are the earnings?
We have a lot of loyal uploaders who are making money with us on PPD and PPS plans.

Best regards,
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