Shareupload : Discussion Thread

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Hello lawina,

Yes, you are correct. Uploads are not working because we are still transferring files. But, we have enabled the downloads again, so everything should work nice until we finish the transfers.

Best Regards,

P.S.: 174GB remaining.
Now upload is working but cannot download, I just checked my uploaded file, when you click download file, nothing happens, download just doesn't start.
Please fix your problems, i have been waiting for your site to become fully functional for many days.
all my files are deleted also....

---------- Post added at 03:18 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:33 AM ----------

@ Shareupload

Can you please explain whats happening with the uploaded files? I don't want to upload 20 or 30 files and find out next day that all are deleted.
@ Everybody.
We have done the movement. As we said in the news and even here, to backup all files you have been uploaded, because some files can get deleted due to this movement. I'm sorry that your files have been deleted, but we did not had any control over this.

News from said:
Some files will be lost due to the moving, so please backup everything you've uploaded. We will not be responsible due to the loss of data!
Hello eman80,

Saudi Arabia is indeed in Group B. We have not found any problem with it and it's counted as Group B, not Group C. Please let me know why do you think that Saudi Arabia is counted as Group C.

Hello eman80,

Saudi Arabia is indeed in Group B. We have not found any problem with it and it's counted as Group B, not Group C. Please let me know why do you think that Saudi Arabia is counted as Group C.



I tested by my self I am from Saudi Arabia.

I download a file to test speed and count, my file with size: 281 MB, and in the earning table I can see that: file size: (101-450 MB) in Group B must counted 0.009 but I got only 0.005 as Group C says.

That's why I noticed this issue.
Hello eman80,

We have found the issue and we fixed it.
A slash was missing and we fixed that. AU|AT|BE|CA|DK|FI|FR|DE|IE|IT|NL|NZ|NOSA|SG|SE|CH|ES|AE
We have put NO|SA and this fixed your issue.

Have a nice day,
Hello Eirador,

We never started a support thread as site is in Beta.
Problems encountered after /tmp folder got full.
We are trying to fix the issue as soon as possible.

Best Regards,
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