Shareupload : Discussion Thread

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Hello Matee01,

We haven't stopped the downloads, but the stats are freezed so we are going to give a substantial amount of money for each uploader. As soon as we finish the maintenance, we will award every uploader the money he deserves.

Have a nice day,
Hello guys,

@CK13 We will open the support thread after we finish the maintenance.

@Litounettecheri Sorry, mistyped. It's 25 May 12.00 p.m. EST

@Matee01 The speed is limited to 250 KB/s for free users.

Thanks for your support guys,
Very slow upload
Upload speed: 10KB/S

I like 50KB/S

I finished upload while they fix.

I watching tv ghost hunter. Good night!
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Yeah. dl count is ok now.:sun:

But RU is slow...



Site and web upload is very slow too.

We are getting DDoS attack and our support from leaseweb can't do a thing to stop it :) . At the end of the month we will move to other provider, but first we will be paying all the uploaders(even if they have $1), cause some files will be lost in the process of moving.
For example, deletes the file 180 days since the last download. Do you understand the question now? I am asking for the time that a file needs to be considered an inactive file.
Uh oh, now I see the "when"(sorry, I am little tired)

20 days after last download For Free Users
60 days after last download For Registered Users
Never For Premium Users
I'm using normally now.


Upload speed decreased again. I'll wait for the server change.

And forget about my previous post of deleting... ^^
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That is for Free Users, that are not registered on website(guests)

---------- Post added 27th May 2012 at 12:19 AM ---------- Previous post was 26th May 2012 at 09:23 PM ----------

We are eager to move the site to another server too!:)
Hello Matee01,

This is not good speed, we will move in another datacenter and I think that everything will be OK then.

Have a nice day,
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