- Three type partnership programs, $33/1000 downloads, 60% on Sales

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can u pls tell me did u give free premium mate and also tell me which method u use to payout kindly also tell me and also tell me how many ur site pls mention the names ur site too much tipical and i am using leaflech rapidleech there is no any upload plugin why ur site too much tipical kindly pls reply me wait for ur PM mate
our sites:

why shareflare not answer my message i saw its not pm my message what happen to u shareflare
I did not get messages in PM from you
hi . i m register shareflare. i want to be sales tarif % 60 . in my account writes percent . is it true tariff(sale) ?

when i try to add my wmz it says confirmation e mail sent but my gmail doesnt take any mail. can u help me pls

American people can download this site and buy shreflare ?

Only USA or Brazil,Argentina and other not dowload or buy pre too ?
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Account has been blocked!

and I was going to charge and blocked the account because?


please unblock my account
hi . i m register shareflare. i want to be sales tarif % 60 . in my account writes percent . is it true tariff(sale) ?

60% it's tariff PPS
when i try to add my wmz it says confirmation e mail sent but my gmail doesnt take any mail. can u help me pls
Say me your ID
American people can download this site and buy shreflare ?

Only USA or Brazil,Argentina and other not dowload or buy pre too ?
We block member from USA, all other countries can download files

Added after 5 minutes:

Account has been blocked!

and I was going to charge and blocked the account because?


please unblock my account
you are your own referral
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what is ur minimum payout did u pay on wmz still kindly reply me wait for ur Pm mate

Payments are maid under request in Your account. Payment will be made in not longer then 48 hours.
- Payments are made either by Webmoney . Minimum amount to withdraw the money is $5 .
- ShareFlare pays the money transfer fee for You.
Hey Sure ,

plz , returne the money To My balance
i Didnt Recive The Money In My Web Money Acc
Be Cause My PayMents Exceeded the limit of funds for purses of the recipient

My LetitBit Acount iS
[28238251 | turba]
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