ServeDome Servers Offline

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It's easy to say that now

Not really,the same things has happened to me 3 times in the last 3 months,so you can see im well prepared,i learned after the first time,i lost a lot of data so im well prepraed.

yes it is easy to say that right now. Because they are still Online.
like servedome was online 2 days ago

i m just asking. Please Don't mind

You have every right to ask when it first happened to me i was outraged,i work so hard on my sites and then boom aload of data gone,its was an eye opening experice for me,i have a vps these days just for dailys backups,and its the best money i ever spent especially when its comes to warez.

i m also going to buy hosting from knowinserver.
n waiting for their mail

Knowinservers is very good,There one of the one two hosts i trust,them and tippie/wrzhost.
No point of oppening pp disputes. Paypal will take the side of the seller since its a virtual item.

If you were smart enough to pay with a major credit card ** like I always do with virtual items ** your credit card company will be all to happy to do a charge reversal. 100% guaranteed no questions asked you will receive your money back that way.

Added after 11 minutes:

Reason why I got in this discussion is to let HIM know that he disappointed me, this was a really lame way of trying to get his company on top. Because Abhishek is a really great guy, and what he did to him is something that I wouldn't wish to anyone.

Then get out of this discussion because your pissing me off, you have nothing to contribute here but rubbing bullshit in peoples faces that are fucked now.

I don't need to be looking at your carp MoFo.

Why are you keep posting BS ? If youare not one of us then you have nothing to worry about . Stop spaming it doesnt help anyone here.
back to the topic. I guess i have to used old backup then lol

Spreading bullshit just to stroke his own fucking ego is all mate, you are correct. Jason should FO and stop spamming this tread
if everyone opens a dispute everyone will win. TRUST me. lol im waiting a few more hours before i file a dispute. if the owner makes a message and shows himself i may even let him keep the money for the month we will see.
I have 2 domains on same server but I am not offline for 2 days. It is just 10 hours I think.

BTW I can loggin into FTP of both sites. So i think maybe a problem is something of DNS or like that.
I have 2 domains on same server but I am not offline for 2 days. It is just 10 hours I think.

BTW I can loggin into FTP of both sites. So i think maybe a problem is something of DNS or like that.

I suggest you get out as soon as you can bro, there's no telling when they'll pull the plug
How can you predict this..

That's the problem. You can't. Many of the members with them were the ones saying how to not get scammed and choose a host.

Problem with most hosting from here is they are in it for a quick buck and not the long haul. I don't think there is one host here longer than 5 years with the same name as they started.

So always be ready to move and never buy long term. I guess?!?!?! :'(
My IP is down, been told by several sources that servedome is completely fucked and doing a runner, fuck you servedome. All hosts like you seem to do a runner in the end, fuck u! :)

P.S - All servers have been totally wiped, hope u all have a backup :).
This is quite sad. Becuase of this. If your migrating from ServeDome & want a new host. -- Come to live chat to get 80% off your first month with us. (Shared/reseller only & new signups only)


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