- Install Tickets at $7.50

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Please refund me the $3.5 I just payed earlier m8 to upgrade my sborg plan from 6.50 to 10$..
Reason is when uploading filesonic I get speed like 5.63% to 5.69% to 5.74% to 5.86% to 5.93% and its only 700MB movie which takes like 10-20 mins to finish uploading..

I will stop at 6.50 and please close it soon as you refund me as I already used up 250GB BW..

Thank you.
You PMed me, posted here, opened a support ticket. Do you realize that all you needed was to open a support ticket only? I've refunded you long long ago and replied in atleast 2 places. is still down for me shiz.
As i have mentioned on my last post, we are changing servers, so sites may appear down.

How to add filesonic plugin (by -Raj-) in sborg 4.5 ???
You cant. sBorg is non-customizable. You need to upgrade to sBorg 4.7 to have the new filesonic plugin.

Ok so I will wait - but longer waiting time mean for me lots of oportunity loss :/. Hope we will talk soon :D.
Sorry but I dont think i'll have the time to do your project.

What's the problem :/
Continuing like this.

Creating screenshots

mtn.exe: argument for option -b is invalid at '.80'

movie thumbnailer (mtn) 200808a copyright (c) 2007-2008 tuit, et al.
mtn saves thumbnails of specified movie files or directories to jpeg files.
for directories, it will recursively search inside for movie files.
mtn.exe [options] file_or_dir1 [file_or_dir2] ... [file_or_dirn]
options: (and default values)
-a aspect_ratio : override input file's display aspect ratio
-b 0,80 : skip if % blank is higher; 0:skip all 1:skip really blank >1:off
-B 0,0 : omit this seconds from the beginning
-c 3 : # of column
-C -1 : cut movie and thumbnails not more than the specified seconds; <=0:off
-D 6 : edge detection; 0:off >0:on; higher detects more; try -D4 -D6 or -D8
-E 0,0 : omit this seconds at the end
-f tahomabd.ttf : font file; use absolute path if not in usual places
-F RRGGBB:size[:font:RRGGBB:RRGGBB:size] : font format [time is optional]
-g 0 : gap between each shot
-h 150 : minimum height of each shot; will reduce # of column to fit
-i : info text off
-I : save individual shots too
-j 90 : jpeg quality
-k RRGGBB : background color (in hex)
-L info_location[:time_location] : location of text
1=lower left, 2=lower right, 3=upper right, 4=upper left
-n : run at normal priority
-N info_suffix : save info text to a file with suffix
-o _s.jpg : output suffix
-O directory : save output files in the specified directory
-p : pause before exiting; default on in win32
-P : dont pause before exiting; override -p
-r 0 : # of rows; >0:override -s
-s 120 : time step between each shot
-t : time stamp off
-T text : add text above output image
-v : verbose mode (debug)
-w 1024 : width of output image; 0:column * movie width
-W : dont overwrite existing files, i.e. update mode
-z : always use seek mode
-Z : always use non-seek mode -- slower but more accurate timing
to save thumbnails to file infile_s.jpg with default options:
mtn.exe infile.avi
to change time step to 65 seconds & change total width to 900:
mtn.exe -s 65 -w 900 infile.avi
to step evenly to get 3 columns x 10 rows:
mtn.exe -c 3 -r 10 infile.avi
to save output files to writeable directory:
mtn.exe -O writeable /read/only/dir/infile.avi
to get 2 columns in original movie size:
mtn.exe -c 2 -w 0 infile.avi
to skip uninteresting shots, try:
mtn.exe -D 6 infile.avi

in windows, you can run mtn.exe from command prompt or drag files/dirs from
windows explorer and drop them on mtn.exe. you can change the default options
by creating a shortcut to mtn.exe and add options there (right click the
shortcut -> Properties -> Target); then drop files/dirs on the shortcut

mtn comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. this is free software, and you are
welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions; for details see file
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Do we get the new 5.0 upgrade for free?

Oh yeah I have a question, how do I know when my hosting is up?
Yes, upgrade requires a re-installation and re-install requires a install ticket. And i didn't get your question about hosting.

Does unraring/raring files too take bandwidth??????

I just unrared a 3gb file (Not Uploaded) and 8gb bandwidth used :(
No, rar/unrar do not take up bandwidth.

Any future plans for VideoBB embed code posting? So instead videoBB link, player will be posted.
Will consider it for future!
Did anyone do a tutorial? Spent 6 hours trying to get this sorted so far. Have sent ticket but would really like a nice tut. have to say the manual isn't of too much use. Perhaps when a manual is available for V5 it may be better.

Sorted it, was my stupidity
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Anyone help with screen shot settings?

Whenever I change the screenshot settings in setup to 1 column and 4 rows (or any other number or config) it changes itself back again even though I have hit store.

Any ideas?
sborg v5 looks great. The last time I was here there was sborg v3.5 :P
We are always working to make sBorg better ;)

Did anyone do a tutorial? Spent 6 hours trying to get this sorted so far. Have sent ticket but would really like a nice tut. have to say the manual isn't of too much use. Perhaps when a manual is available for V5 it may be better.

Sorted it, was my stupidity
I bet the error message makes sense now :p

I am trying to avoid the manual and starting to code it in sBorg itself. Run a free update for sBorg 5.0 and you'll see the little " ! " icons besides the names. Click them for quick help.

Whenever I change the screenshot settings in setup to 1 column and 4 rows (or any other number or config) it changes itself back again even though I have hit store.

Any ideas?
Make sure your account.php is writable. Best is to keep sBorg directory read-writable. If you dont do that, then updates will fail.
account.php set to 0775, sBorg directory set to 0775, still same problem. Will not set screenshots to more than 1/1 and can't change footer message either, reverts back to default

In transload i make a new template but all the settings revert back to default when I try to reload it. For instance i want File-link end tag to be visit bla bla bla on every file. I want Add custom files from folder default every time but it always goes back to no.

Surely I don't have to change this with every upload.

Been at this for 13 hours now and managed 1 upload and even then it didn't change the file name so had to go to 5 hosting sites and manually change 5 links at each!

Do you have Teamviewer? this is driving me nuts!
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Couldn't add custom files from folder inside myfiles.
I upload custom files to myfiles folder and choose Add custom files in advanced options but it's not appeared in my files (downloaded and checked many times)
I use sBorg v5
what's wrong?
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