I have one question before i buy
Can i used already transloaded files to upload more than once like rapidleech ? I used Sborg 3.5 and at that time, it was not possible.
Payment done for Sborg USA 1GBPS Sborg - sBorg Basic.
Tried the demo.
Bought the service.
100% satisfaction!
This is the reason why RL service goes to the bottom of page 1 or page 2 - Because they have lesser problems.
Paid waiting for the details :D
Welcomei have replied to the ticket please do check it .. grt support
Paid as it is recommended by a friendwaiting for the details.
Great speed!
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Great support and awesome speeds. Recommended![]()
using it now. Thanks. oh and great speed man. btw is there an option in movie thumbnail to choose how many rows and columns to have? thanks
i just bought order number is 9371820409
ThanksYou can edit the Template/plugmod/main.php for mtn rows and column...