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  1. M - Official Support Thread

    please open aff for me. account: madtalent thanks.
  2. M

    BitShare - Free File Storage and Cloud Hosting

    What's the % in PPS plan if your rank is bronze, copper, etc? Thanks.
  3. M

    BitShare - Free File Storage and Cloud Hosting

    Thanks for the info. I guess it will appear by Monday in my paypal. :)
  4. M

    BitShare - Free File Storage and Cloud Hosting

    When do you do payment in paypal? I'm just curious since my first payout I requested yesterday and I'm wondering when will it reflect in my paypal. Thanks.
  5. M

    Other - NL350 plans,350GB HDD, 16GB RAM, 1Gbit, starting just 22 USD/mo(NL)

    my folders in my hdd got corrupted and can't even create new folder inside it, here's a screenshot please have a look at my hdd and ticket #346307. yesterday my hdd is gone now files are corrupted.
  6. M

    Other SaffronSolutions - Unmetered 1Gbit/2Gbit Rapidleech Hosting (USA,Netherlands)

    mine is down as well no replies to my tickets and no invoice for my next payment.
  7. M

    Other - NL350 plans,350GB HDD, 16GB RAM, 1Gbit, starting just 22 USD/mo(NL)

    Hi intensecool, kindly look at my Ticket #518827 my files were gone and the disk space I'm using is gone as well.
  8. M

    Other SaffronSolutions - Unmetered 1Gbit/2Gbit Rapidleech Hosting (USA,Netherlands)

    pm sent. please upgrade mine. Thanks.
  9. M

    Other SaffronSolutions - Unmetered 1Gbit/2Gbit Rapidleech Hosting (USA,Netherlands)

    Hi bharat, will you offer/add an RDP in the future? Thanks.
  10. M

    Other SaffronSolutions - Unmetered 1Gbit/2Gbit Rapidleech Hosting (USA,Netherlands)

    mine as well fileserve and megaupload not working. Thanks.
  11. M

    Other SaffronSolutions - Unmetered 1Gbit/2Gbit Rapidleech Hosting (USA,Netherlands)

    Thank for the update mate. Loving my experience with saffron, I'll definitely stick to your services. BTW the new update with the RL rocks. \m/
  12. M

    Other SaffronSolutions - Unmetered 1Gbit/2Gbit Rapidleech Hosting (USA,Netherlands)

    Hi bharatvashist, thanks for the great services, btw can you add the ability to choose rows and columns in the new MTN? and also an option to add/remove video/audio details in MTN. btw I'm not having good speed with wupload, should I transfer to NL server in my next month? Thanks.
  13. M

    Other SaffronSolutions - Unmetered 1Gbit/2Gbit Rapidleech Hosting (USA,Netherlands)

    I just checked it now and it is added. thanks. and you have a great support :D
  14. M

    Other SaffronSolutions - Unmetered 1Gbit/2Gbit Rapidleech Hosting (USA,Netherlands)

    'sup tags hope to have wu premium as well :D great speed enjoying this one
  15. M

    Other SaffronSolutions - Unmetered 1Gbit/2Gbit Rapidleech Hosting (USA,Netherlands)

    I see, uhmm... can you tell me how to? sorry it's just I'm new to using a private rl.thanks
  16. M

    Other SaffronSolutions - Unmetered 1Gbit/2Gbit Rapidleech Hosting (USA,Netherlands)

    using it now. Thanks. oh and great speed man. btw is there an option in movie thumbnail to choose how many rows and columns to have? thanks
  17. M

    Other SaffronSolutions - Unmetered 1Gbit/2Gbit Rapidleech Hosting (USA,Netherlands)

    Paid as it is recommended by a friend :) waiting for the details.